
We are now on a hospital and se a woman giving birth to two twins

Nurce:its okay mam its over youll be able to se youre kids in around 45 minutes

Bitchinko:okay thanks

Time skip to 45 minutes 

Doctor:thanks to some test we have 1st discoverd both of youre sons quirk 2they are healty 

Bitchinko:okay now what are there quirks

Doctor:that the bad news you se youre son Izuku dosent have a quirk but youre  daugther has a bery strong strength enhancement quirk by a mix from both youre quirks

Bitchinko:(thinking)well time to get rid of that useles child

Assmigth:(thinking)lets get rid of this useles child 

Time skip

Izuku:(on a basket staing calm)

Assmigth:(trows Izuku into a allley in a basket)

Izuku:(starts to cry)

Assmigth and bitchinko:(leave)

Paradox:(pops out a courner)seems someone is conpatable whit my virus but a baby a poor abandont baby hah well it will work come on

Izuku:(smiles and laugs)


Time skip to the building

Paradox:hey poppy did you foound someone conpatible whit youre virus

Poppy:yes i have the cutie rigth here

Paradox:same here
