Chapter 22 : Chain and Pendant

Natalia Walker's POV :

Climbing out of the car I watched as Chase silently came to stand by me.

"Why are we here ?," Chase asked confused staring at Talia's house "shouldn't we be out looking for Luke ?"

"We are looking for him," I assured him. I turned to face Damon who was quietly standing behind was waiting for further instructions.

I gave a sharp nod in his direction alerting him of my plan of action. His eyes went wide for a second before his face was once again blank and void of all emotions. He quickly nodded to acknowledge me before he quickly turned on his heel, speaking into the headset that he had attached to his ear.

"What just happened ?," Chase questioned.

"Damon has gone to get us some back to get Luke"

"How are we going to get Luke back ?"

"I've got that covered," I assured him "you just have to trust me"

"I do trust you"

"Good..... Now follow me"

I turned and walked up the steps of Talia's house. Just as we reached the last step and I was about to knock on the door it was flung open by none other than Talia, herself.

"I was wondering when you'd decide to come in, it was getting really boring watching you guys through the window," she grinned up at as both "so where's my favorite godson ?"

I sighed at her question "can we come inside ?"

"Sure," she replied.

She turned around and walked to her living room with me close behind her as Chase closed the door. Chase and I sat on the couch while Talia sat in her favourite armchair. The tension among the three of us was so strong that it made me nervous.

"Luke's been kidnapped," Chase blurted out.

"Chase !," I snapped as Talia shouted "what ?!"

I sighed as Talia jumped from her seat and started to pace the ground. She didn't say anything for a while before she suddenly flopped down into the armchair.

"How did this happen ?"

"They ambushed us," Chase said bitterly "it was so unexpected and we were out numbered. They knocked me out and took Luke"

"You can't blame yourself Chase," I said to him "you couldn't have known that this would happen"

His jaw tightened at my words as if he was holding back a response. He didn't say anything but nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Its a good thing that they took Luke and not you," Talia spoke up.

"What the hell ?!," Chase shouted standing up, clenching his teeth and advancing towards Talia "he's just a child Talia...
.how could you say such a thing"

I sighed standing up and moving in front of Chase. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me for a tight hug.

"Everything's going to be okay Chase just listen to what Talia and I have to say first and you'll understand"

I pulled away from him so that I could see his eyes but he refused to look at me, he instead kept on staring at Talia. I could see the anger in his eyes and I could tell he wasn't listening to me. I placed both my hands on either sides of his cheeks and turned him to face me. I stared into his eyes until he focused on me and only me and then I kissed him.

We kissed each other with such a passion that I'd never thought I'd experience again yet I was here going through it with him. Pulling away from him was the hardest thing to do right now but I had to. It was worth it when I saw the huge grin on his face. Turning to Talia I gestured for her to go what we needed. She nodded and slowly got up and left the room.

I pulled Chase with me to sit down on the couch.

"We'll get him back"

"How ?," he asked me.

"When Luke was younger he liked to wonder around a lot, one time we were at the park and I bent down to take up is ball and the next I knew he was gone. I searched all over for him but I couldn't find him. I was just about to lose it when I saw a police officer headed my way with Luke in his arms. I don't know how he had him but I was very thankful. Ever since that day I bought a chain for him and had a security friend of mine install a tracking device inside a pendant that was attached to the chain. I've made sure that he always wears it and he knows to never take it off"

He gasped in surprise at what I just said. I watched as realisation sank in and his whole face lit up.

"Soooo," he started "if he's wearing this chain and pendant we'll be able to find him"

"Yeah we will.... like I said he always wears it"


Hey peeps,
I'm really sorry for the long wait. I recently started a new school and it's been really hectic settling in. I'm glad I got the chance to update today and I really hope you'll enjoy it.
