Chapter 12 : Amnesia

Natalia Walker's POV :

"I love you"

Those were his final words to me before he was taken by the paramedics and places into the ambulance. I tried to go with them but they refused.

"Please let me go with him", I begged the younger woman.

"We can't let you do that lady", she replied sternly but I was too far gone to listen to a word she said if it wasn't a yes.

"Look here Missy", I snapped at her "he's my husband and my son's father......he just risked his life for me... If you value your own life you'll step aside like a good girl and let me get on this ambulance"

She stared at me for a second before sighing "okay...let's go"

"Thank you"

I quickly seated myself in the ambulance and in a matter of seconds we were on our way to the hospital. I looked down at Chase as they placed a oxygen mask on him and continued to check him out. I had no idea what they were doing so I just sat there silently praying that he would be alright. The steady rhythm of his heart beat was comforting to me as it was proof that he was still very much alive.

Luckily there wasn't any complications on the way to the hospital. As soon as the ambulance came to a stop we were out and headed straight for the hospital doors. I was speed walking directly behind them when I heard it. The erratic beating of the heart monitor. My heart dropped when I saw them rushing him into the hospital while trying to calm his heart.

I stood in shock until they disappeared inside. I can't believe what is happening in mg life. First I got a divorce then I had my son and now I'm back home in the hospital hoping that the man who broke my heard would make it out alive.

If anyone told me that this would happen to me five years ago I probably wouldn't believe them. Now all of this is happening all at once and its just a little too much to handle.

Pulling out my phone from my purse I dialed Talia's number and waited for her to answer. While waiting I looked around and that's when I noticed that there were numerous cars entering the parking lot. My eyes widened when people started filing out and that's when I realized who they were.

The paparazzi and reporters.

How on earth did they find out so fast ? We like literally just arrived. My eyes widened even more when one of the reporters spotted me and started running in my direction a notepad and pen in his hands. Now in that moment I did the most reasonable thing I ran right inside the hospital.

"Natalia Carmen Walker !!"

I totally forgot about Talia "h-hey Talia"

"Where the hell are you ?....Luke was asking for you"

I sighed "I'm at the hospital"

"What ?!.... Why ?!.... Are you okay ?"

"Yes I'm perfectly fine"

"Then why are you at the hospital ?"

My head pounded just from remembering the reason why I was here.

"Could you please just get here and bring some bodyguards with you"

This time she was the one who sighed "you better explain when I get there"

"Thank you .... I will"

With that I ended the call and put my phone back inside my purse. I walked up to the receptionist and asked her which room Chase was in. I didn't miss the way her eyes lit up at the mention of Chase but at least she was trying to be professional about it.

"He's in surgery now so you won't be able to see him"

"How long will that take ?", I asked a little impatient.

"I can't be sure", she replied "are you related to the patient ?"

I barely resisted rolling my eyes at her. Everyone in this city knew that I was once married to him. It was quite obvious she was trying to taunt me but I refused to play her game.

"He's my husband"

"Your ex-husband", she mumbled holding her head down but I heard her every word.

I laughed a emotion less laugh that could send chills up a persons spine "If you like your job here you best act like it

With that I turned around and walked across the hall and over to the chairs that I saw leaned up against the wall. I sat down and immediately zoned out thinking about how differently my life could have been from the way it is now. I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard someone calling my name.

"Mrs Williams"

I didn't bother to correct him since I did say that Chase was my husband. I hesitantly stood from my seat to face the young doctor.

"Is my husband okay ?", I asked frantically

"Calm down", he pleaded speaking softly to me "he's alive with minor injuries"

"Oh thank God"

"I'm sorry to have to say this", he spoke his voice filled with remorse.

"What is it ?", I asked becoming afraid "isn't he alright ?"

"He's physically well but I'm sorry to say he has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from the past five years"


Hey guys.
Sorry for the mix up with the updating. My baby niece did that. Hope you enjoy it.

Remember to :

PS : Ever heard of ficfun ?
