Chapter 9 : Getting Her Back

Chase Williams' POV :

I can't believe this.

I can't believe this.

Regina was the reason we broke up in the first place and Natalia never cheated on me. Oh God my life was such a mess. With a deep and tired sigh I left the Walker mansion. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the little boy who was with Natalia alone and staring at me curiously, a cellphone in his small hands. I didn't know what to say to him. It was obvious that he was Natalia's son with the way he clinged to her.

I stared back at him silently. Seconds turned to minutes and I still stood there clueless about what to say to him.

"You look like me", he spoke first breaking the silence.

I was utterly shocked I knew we looked alike and could easily see the resemblance but I didn't expect him to notice.

"Yeah we do......look alike"

"How old are you ?", I asked a weird feeling settling in the pit stomach.

He grinned up at me "I'm four", he smiled holding up four small and little fingers.

I staggered back when the reality of his words hit me.

He's four.

Oh dear Lord he's four.

"When is your birthday ?", i asked urgently.

He  looked confused by my question but answered anyway "its in December"

The small smile on my face immediately fell when he answered me.

Math was never a hard subject for me. As CEO of a large company math was a everyday thing. I could add and I could subtract and in this very moment I put two and two together and came up with something totally different from four.

The little boy standing in front of me was my son.

"Luke !!", I jumped when I heard Natalia calling out for Luke.

I turned around just in time to see her step outside and look around, obviously searching for Luke.

Upon hearing his mother calling him Luke ran towards her. I smiled to myself as I watched Luke jump up and into her arms. They looked so happy together and it literally crushed my heart that I was so stupid and missed out on those years with them.

I left without looking back as in a way I felt that I didn't deserve to.

I quickly pulled out my keys and walked over to my black Audi. I switched off the alarm and opened the door. Sliding in the firm leather seats I closed the door and slipped the keys in the ignition. I drove off not completely sure what my next move would be but I was definitely certain about one thing.

I connected my phone to my car as a way to prevent an accident and so I wouldn't have to always hold onto the phone. Dialing a certain someone's number I waited rather impatiently for the person to answer.


"Hello Amber"

"Oh hello sir", she purred which to me sounded like a dying cat.

"I have some good news for you", I said in a cheerful voice.

"Really", she squealed "what is it ?"

"I bet you'll never guess what it is"

"Please just tell me", she giggled oblivious to my darkening tone.

"Your fired", I sneered at her barely controlling my anger.

"What ?", she gasped "is this some sort of joke ?"

"No joke", I snickered pleased that she was not expecting this "this is my gift to you"

"This isn't a gift ?", she screamed down into the phone.

"Of course it is"

"No it isn't", she shouted getting me angry.

"It's better than me killing you for helping to destroy my marriage"

With that I hung up on her not missing the gasp of surprise from her. I pulled up to my company to make sure she leaves and also to start enacting my ultimate plan.

Getting Natalia back.


Hey peeps.

A moment of silence for Amber.

Who am I kidding she deserved it ?

Anyone here born December ?
One of the best months ever !!!!!

Yeah people my birth month is the great December.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Remember to :

