Chapter 19 : Mine Again

Chase Williams' POV :

"Daddy ?"

I looked down at my son a gigantic smile on my face. My son. I never knew that I had a son but now he's all that I can think about. He looks so much like that's it's uncanny. He's also a lot like his mother especially with how smart he is.

"Yes son," I'll never get tired of saying that, it just feels so incredibly right.

He looked at me brows drawn together, "where were you all these years ?"

I sucked in a breathed at that. I expected he would want answers from the way Natalia hesitated to tell me about him but I didn't expect it to be this soon, worse with me not remember a couple of years of my life. I didn't even remember anything about him or his existence so I was definitely not in the right frame of mind to answer.

I glanced back over at him to find him looking at me expectantly. It seems there was no way I'm getting out of this.

"Well its really complicated," I said to him "your mom t-took you so that I could stay here and work to make money to buy anything you want"

" were working ?," he asked unsure.

"Y-yeah I was but I'm here to stay now"

"Really ?," he asked eyes sparkling with delight.

"Yes really," I grinned at him "nothing will keep us apart"

"Okay Daddy"

I pulled him to me for a tight hug. This would be the hug that I'll remember because Luke accepted me as his father.

"Hey guys"

I pulled away from Luke to come face to face with Natalia, Talia and an older man in a white coat who I assumed to be the doctor.

"Sorry for interrupting," Natalia apologised "but the doctor's here to check up on you"

"Its okay," I smiled at her.

"Come here buddy," she called to Luke who immediately got up an ran over to her.

Watching them brought an overwhelming sense of happiness to me. I've always wanted a big family, living with my parents and older sister was fun and it always made me want children and now that I have one I want more. I can't remember what happened in the last few years but I have a strong feeling that it wasn't good. I can't know for sure what happened but what I do know is I will fix it some how.

I looked up just in time to find Natalia and the doctor walking towards me. It was only then that I noticed that Talia and Luke were no longer in the room. They must have left while I was still spaced out.

"Chase," Natalia said interrupting me.

"Yeah," I answered her.

"This is doctor Chamberlain," she pointed to the man "he's here to run a quick check up"

"Hello Mr. Williams," he greeted me warmly "how are you today ?"

"Hello doctor," I murmured to him "I'm fine.... though sometimes there's images in my head of places that I don't remember.... what does that mean ?"

"It's probably your memories trying to resurface," he spoke checking my vitals.

He pulled out a small pen sized flashlight and clicked the light on. I silently followed his instructions as he slowly shined the light into my right eye and then the left. He picked up his clipboard and wrote something on it.

"How is he ?," Natalia asked.

Doctor Chamberlain turned to look at her then me before he smiled making me blow out a breath of relief.

"He's fine"

"Really ?," Natalia asked seriously concerned, it feels so good to see her worried about me.

"Yes really.... In fact he's free to leave," he spoke "I'll prescribe some pain medication just in case but aside from that your all regards to your memory I advise you to stay around people who you are familiar with"

"I guess I could stay with my parents," I muttered my eyes focused on Natalia.

"You can't," she sighed "their out of town, they won't be back until a weeks time, you'll just have to stay with me."

"That's great," I cheered trying to fight the grin that wanted to escape.

She smirked at me, eyes glinting with amusement as I try to hide my smile.

"It's settled then," the good doctor pitched in "you'll live with your wife and I'll go sort out the paperwork"

I watched a smirk on my face as doctor Chamberlain left, a blushing Natalia hiding her face from me. My wife. I definitely liked the sound of that.

I looked at her ring less finger a wave of determination swept over me. I will place a new ring on her finger.

She will be mine again.


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