Why Me?

As the music faded away I looked into Zayns eyes as he spoke.

"I don't know what lead me to you ,but I'm glad in did." He said leaning in.

Then, right there in front of the whole school, Zayn Malik kissed me.

Third point of view.

Louis pulled away from Zayn and stared at him before running away out of the front doors of the school.

Separate him from the pack

Zayn put his best shocked face on before running after the lad.

When Zayn was outside he could see Louis sitting on a bench probably waiting for the a bus or something. Zayn walked over to the younger lad and sat beside him.

Draw him in.

"Louis, I really like you, I thought you liked me." Zayn said, the lies tasting like poison on his tongue as he tried to grab Louis's hand.

"Zayn," Louis paused taking his hand away from Zayn. "You're seem like a great guy, but it seems my heart is taken by someone else." Louis explained looking down at his hands.

Kill him.

"That was the wrong thing to say Louis, I'm sorry." Zayn said.

Louis looked up at him in shock.


Zayn took his one and only chance he has been waiting for for 200 years, he grabbed the back of Louis neck and placed the cloth over Louis mouth. The smaller lad thrashed around in in Zayns grip ,but soon his body was limp and lifeless, but not before Zayn heard him say two words.

"Why me?"

Zayn sighed and picked the small boy up and began to walk away with him.

Bring him to me.

Here you go. :) it's very short I know I might update again today thanks. xx Guess what! I have a turtle to give to one special person who is @chocolatelova98 . *Hands you turtle* THANKS SO MUCH FOR NOMINATING ME. XXXXXXXXX. I will MAYBE update again today and then put a character ask up. Please go check out my other books xx. Thanks.

Questions Of The Day.

Where are you from?

Favorite fanfic?
