Trapped Soul

Louis's POV

"W-What?" I stutter out I jump off the bed and back away from him.

"I told you, you are the reincarnation of my sister! Yaser even called you Lily! You need to learn to listen." Zayn screamed getting up and walking closer to me.

"Then why did you kiss me? And I look nothing like you so how am I related to you?!" I ask scared what he would do next.

"I'm a puppet and my strings are in Yaser's hands. And believe or not back then some people had a different mum or dad then their siblings. And don't worry, I do not like you, my lover was killed long ago." Zayn said as he pulled at his raven hair.

I still had my back pressed against the wall as he spoke quietly.

"That's probably why my dad signed the contract in the first place." Zayn mumbled.

I almost said something until I saw the small hand mirror that Harry gave me was on the floor in front of me. A small plan formed in my head as I grabbed it off the floor and handed it to him.

"Look in it." I say.

Zayn does as he is told and opened the mirror.

"What do you see?" I ask.

"It looks like a cage." He mumbled.

I step around him seeing for myself. He was telling the truth.

He is trapped soul and I can't save Harry and his sisters without hurting Zayn more and I can't help Zayn without hurting myself and Harry.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"I never wanted this." He mumbled tossing the mirror back to me.

Zayn pulled at his hair then sat on his bed.

"I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt anyone." He mumbled as tear cascade down his face.

I sat beside him and placed my hand on his back. That's when I saw the burn scares on his hands.

"What happened?" I asked shocked.

"I was to close to the cave where the keys go, the trees burn me when I'm too close. I-I saw Harry and you." Zayn said sadly.


"It's ok, you and him are a cute couple." He said smiling.


I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Liam and Niall busted down through Zayn's door.

"We thought you were dead!" Liam whisper yelled at us.

Liam ran to Zayn pulling him into a hug as Niall stood quietly behind him.

"How did you get in?" Zayn asked pushing Liam off.

"You have me a key in year six dumba$$." Liam said ruffling Zayn's hair.

We chatted for a bit before we decide to watch the movie Hachi. Niall loved that movie for some reason. We were all on Zayn's bed, Liam in the middle of Zayn and I. It was about four in the morning when everyone was asleep. I was still wide awake so I just walked to Zayn's kitchen. I was trying to find some carrots when someone's arm wrapped around me.

I flinched until a the faint smell of chocolate filled my nose. It was just Harry.

"Hazzy?" I say turning around burying my head in his chest.

"Yes, Princess?" He asked setting his large hands on my hips.

I gripped his shirt burying my head deeper into his chest as he held me tighter. I don't know why, but it seemed like I was supposed to be here, with him.


I am the reincarnation of Lily. That means I'm Lily. Lily was Zayn's sister so I am Zayn's 'brother'. Lily was supposed to marry Harry. Harry lost his memories of Lily.

I'm his new Lily I guess.


Harry's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked into his dark green eyes as he looked down at me.

"I'm taking you out." He said taking my hand and leading me out the front door.

"Where?" I asked.

"I promised you a date." He said giving me a quick peck on the lips.


I know it was horrible, I'm sorry. I thought you guys deserved an update because this story just hit 20.2k. Thank you guys so much. xx the next chapter will be just Larry fluff btw. And to the account who wanted comment about not having Larry the whole next chapter will just be Larry. I'm really sorry guys. This chapter sucks sorry.


Are you mad at me for not updating? (I'm sorry.)

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