Twelve Keys

Louis's POV

I wake up with two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I turn over and saw Harry was still sleeping ,but Patches was laying on his head asleep. This was the cutest thing ever! I grab my phone and took a quick picture. I set it back down and look back at Harry and start playing with his hair. He soon opened his eyes.

"Why is there a damn cat on my head?" He mumbled.

"He likes it there" I said.

"Move the damn cat" he said.

I pick up Patches and put her on the floor. She ended up giving this "What the fuck?" look then ran off.

"What did you want last night?" I ask as he sat up.

"I wanted to tell you that your special Lou. Many years ago my parents were murdered and Gemma,May and I were cursed. The curse was we were turned into something like a vampire. Gemma and I drink the blood of humans to survive ,but May drinks animal blood. We can sleep through and have some powers like healing or super sped ,but we can't turn anybody into vampires. The only things that can see us are animals, demons and the chosen one." He stops and his eyes travel down my body.

" Lou I don't see a tail or cat ears on you. You're the chosen one." He said.

" What does the chosen one do?" I ask.

"He has find twelve keys. The keys open the door to our past and breaks the curse ,but I will stay vampire and be able to turn people. May and Gemma will be able to cross over to heaven. " He said.

"How do I find the keys?" I ask.

"The appear to you sometimes and sometimes you get clues." He said.

"What do you gain from it?" I ask.

"I know my sisters will be safe" He says.

"I'll show you the door follow me" He says getting off the bed.

I follow him down stairs and saw the everyone was still asleep. Rio runs to me with his halter and leash.

" Hazza? Can I bring Rio?" I ask.

"Sure" He yells from the door.

I put the halter on the small dog and hook it to the leash. Rio then ran out the door chasing after Harry dragging me behind him. Harry slows down and waits for me. We start walking and come across the meadow from yesterday. I see Harry walk to the waterfall.

"Here. Put it over your head." He say and hands me his shirt.

Why do i need his shirt?

As is he was reading my mind he said.

"We have to go through the waterfall to get to the door. Let me take Rio."

I gave him Rio and put the shirt over my head. His shirt smelled like chocolate and strawberries. Wait the strawberry is me. I step through the water fall and Harry is right behind me. I turn and saw his hair and torso was soaked. He looks so sexy. Louis you're so gay my mind tells me. Harry hand me the leash and we walk down an hallway that lead to a door with twelve key holes. But one stood out to me it was in the center of the door and it was in the shape of a heart.

"Harry do the keys have meaning" I ask.

"Yes, like bravery, fear and cleverness."

" Does one stand for Love?" I ask.

"Yes , but you have to fall in love to find that key" Harry said.

I'm already falling.

Chapter Three!! Next Chapter will up tomorrow or the next day :). I might post another chapter today because I'm home from school because I'm sick ,but don't get your hopes up.
