Goodnight Kiss

Louis's POV

Zayn dropped me off at my house with my tux about an hour ago. My mum was still working and my siblings were at the babysitters. I then remembered the key.

"Harry!" I yell.

I feel two arms wrap around my waist making me jump.

"I'm here don't yell." A deep voice said.

"Hazza," I pause turning around. "I found a key." I say taking it out of my pocket.

Then I saw the word across it.


"Y-You knew." I say feeling the air leave my lungs.

"I'm sorry Love , I warned you. I couldn't be there, just please don't ask." He paused taking another key from his pocket. "This was on your nightstand ,when you were in the hospital." Harry said handing it to me. "I don't know how it got there." He mumbled

I shove them in my pocket as I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly go and answer the door and saw Niall, Liam ,Luke , Ashton, Annie, Amira,  Kimberlyn, Zayn and Garrett and his siblings. There was also another girl beside Liam that I'm guessing is his sister. I had to do a double take when I saw Niall holding two puppies. I let them in. Amira and Kimberlyn grab Salt and Pepper off the floor waking them and scaring the poor kittens half to death. Niall sits the dogs down and they run to the girls.

"Let's go up to your room." Zayn said dragging me up the stairs and it wasn't ending there.

They others followed us till we got to my room. Niall sits on my bed with Liam. Luke sat in the corner on my beanbag and pulled Ashton into his lap. Annie had stayed down stairs to watch Garrett and the others ,but I still couldn't figure out who that girl was.

"Not to be rude ,but who are you?" I ask as I sat beside her.

"I'm Pam, Liam's sister." She said giggling.

"Sorry." I say giggling.

All of us talked for awhile then it hit me. Ashton had a beanie on. Annie had a beanie on. Amira had a beanie on. I knew Niall and Kimberlyn where hybrids so that would make.....OMG. Why did I not know this?

"Louis!" I was pulled from my thoughts by Zayn yelling at me.

I saw everyone had gotten on the floor in a circle except for Ashton who was on Luke's lap. Zayn pulls me into his lap making me blush ,but soon I was screaming at my self. You like Harry stop!!!!!

"So how old are you all, I'm 17?" Zayn asks.

"I'm 16." I say shifting in Zayn's lap.

"I'm 17 and Niall is 16." Liam said.

"I'm 19!" Pam said happily.

"Ashton is 17 and I'm 22." Luke said kissing Ashtons head. They are so cute.

"Luke is the only one who could turn up if we were in America." Niall stated.

"But I can too, well in England." Pam said smiling.

We talked for awhile and decided to have a sleepover with everyone without asking permission from my mum. It was eight when my sisters got back and about ten when my mum came back shocked at all the children in her house. She separated all the boys and girls saying I would rape someone. Like what the f*ck, I'm a bottom. Wait she doesn't know I'm gay. Oops. Garrett, Conner, Sage, Eli, Fizzy, and both sets of twins crashed at about eleven. Then only me and Zayn were up at two in the morning. Zayn finally crashed around three and I had a smart idea. I took some markers and drew some stuff on Zayns face.  I somehow got it on my hands so I walked to the bathroom to wash it off. When I enter the room again I giggled at how everyone who was layed on the floor and on my bed. Luke and Ashton were spooning on my bed. Niall and Liam were on the floor. Then Zayn was on my window seat asleep. I smile when I saw a small husky at my feet, but she was holding something. A key. She dropped it at my feet and ran off. I quickly pick it up and read the word.


I smile realizing I have three keys. Wait, I was suppose to go with Harry to the door! I feel two arms wrap around my waist and quickly turn around to see Harry smiling down at me.

"We need to go to the door, the one through the waterfall." I say smiling.

"Of course ,Love." He said taking my hand and leading me outside.

The cold October air made me regret my choice of a short sleeved shirt and shorts. We cut through the backyard and walked through the forest until we got to the small meadow thing with the waterfall. I began to run because I was so happy ,but tripped over some random branch.

"Love?!?! Are you ok?" Harry yelled running to me.

He pulled me to my feet quickly holding the back of my thigh so I wouldn't fall again. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cupped my cheek. Our eyes locked as he began to lean in. I leaned into him too and the next thing I know we're kissing.

Quick update :). Ily all of you. LARRY KISS! OMG! I think I might need a smūt writer soon.....Any volunteers? The best song every is above or on the side. ILY.

Questions Of The Day!

Winter or Summer?

What languages do you speak?

Favorite song?

Do you like this chapter?

Should I update call of the wolves?
