Goodnight Pablito

If I would marry him when we got older and I want to keep my promise but I don't know if he remembers. The boys walk out for the second half and go over to there spots and Pablo looks at me and smiles and I smile back. The whistle gets blown and the boys start playing and the ball gets passed back and forth until rahinpa has the ball and passes it to lewandowski and then he passes it to gavi and then gavi scored a goal and made a heart and pointed at me and I started smiling so hard and started blushing

The game ended and the boys won. Me and Amelia went to the locker room and waited outside so we could congratulate the boys "hey girls" came from gavi and Pedri "hey boys" me and Amelia said "you played so good today" I said to gavi and gave him a hug "why thank you princess" he said while hugging me back and giving me a kiss on my head and when we stopped hugging I saw Pedri and Amelia hugging each other "hey do you girls want to come over to my house, the other players will also be there" Pedri said to me and Amelia "sure" me and Amelia said at the same time and both the boys just smiled and then we all went to the car and drove of to pedri's house

We arrived at pedris house and went in side and saw all the other players there well not everyone but the young ones. "Hi I'm Mikky frenkie's girlfriend" she said to me because she already knew Amelia "nice to meet you I'm Rosa" I said smiling at her and giving her a hug "hey aren't you gavis girlfriend" ansu said to me smiling and almost grinning "uhh no I'm actually he's childhood best friend" I said looking at gavi and he looked at me and then looked at ansu "ahh you are the girl on his background and the girl he always talks about" balde said looking at gavi with a grin "boys shut up" gavi said annoyed because he didn't want them to say it "bro don't be like that" frenkie said to gavi "like what?" Gavi said confused "like you think it is not true" ferran said witch made gavi roll he's eyes

"Hey why don't we play truth or dare" Amelia said and I knew that she just wanted to know secrets but I also wanted to know some secrets "sure I will go first Ferran truth or dare" mikky said "truth" ferran said "when are you going to get a girlfriend?" Mikky said to ferran with a cheeky smile "um I don't know" ferran said but I had a feeling that he was lying I don't know why but he just said it weird "okay my turn" Amelia said "Rosa truth or dare" Amelia said giving me the most evil smile I have ever seen "umm dare" I said kind of scared "I dare you to kiss gavi" she said first pointing at me and then at gavi "you don't have to if you don't want to" gavi said thinking that I am stressed but I'm not I really want to kiss him "come on kids can't you just kiss" ferran said and I looked at gavi and leaned forward and so did he and then our lips touched and we kissed for a couple of seconds and then we pulled away and smiled at each other "uhhhhhhh" the others said and me and gavi started blushing "grow up" gavi said trying to be serious but kept on blushing "well we are not the ones who just kissed our little crush" Pedri said smirking at us and I didn't have a pillow to hide my face so I hid my face in gavis chest

Frenkie,ferran and ansu has already left and now it is just me,Amelia,Pedri and gavi "do you girls want to stay here?" Gavi asked us "sure but we don't have any other clothes" Amelia said and me being her best friend then I knew that she just wanted pedri's shirt "you can just borrow our clothes" Pedri said "you girls can get some of our clothes and then you can go into the guest room" gavi said and told me to follow him while Amelia followed Pedri to he's room

"Here princesa" gavi said and gave me a black shirt and then some of his shorts witch were a bit big on me "why look at you looking good in my clothes" gavi said smirking me "why thank but I'm tired so I will go to bed" I said to him smiling "well goodnight then amor" gavi said "goodnight lover boy" I said to him giving him a cheeky smile and then going to the guest room and seeing Amelia already in bed "hey bae" Amelia said "hey girlie" I said getting into bed "well I'm tired so goodnight hun" I said "goodnight bae" Amelia said and then after a couple of minutes

I woke up at midnight and saw that I was the only one in bed and I went out of bed and tried to find her and I looked into pedri's room and then all cuddled up together "let's not stare at them sleeping" a voice said to me behind and I jumped a little and I turned around and I found gavi looking tired "you scared me" I said really tired "I'm sorry amor but let's go to bed now" he said and then picking me up and carried me to his bed and then he got in and he wrapped he's arms around me I layed my head on he's chest cuddled up to him "goodnight Pablito" I said closing my eyes "goodnight amor" he said and I just started smiling because when he calls me amor I melt. When we were younger I would literally think and talk about how cute he was and kind and sweet and now I could just talk about what his voice does to me and attractive and he is fucking hot he is like have you seen him.

I'm sorry for not posting but I just haven't had enough time to make another part but I will probably post on Saturday or Sunday so don't worry I will try to make more parts
Adios amigos<3
