Double Date

"Goodmorning love" I said feeling gavi playing with my hair "Goodmorning mi amor, how did you sleep?" He asked "good what about you?" I asked hopping that he was okay after what happens yesterday "good cause I had my girl by me" he said and I started smiling "what should we do today?" I asked "hm I have a idea but it first at night" he said, and got kind of nervous because I didn't know what it could be " what is it then?" I asked "we can go on a little date with Aurora and Javi if they have time today" he said and I got so excited "that is such a good idea" I said with a excited look on my face "you're so cute princess" he said with a smile on his face because of the excited look on my face.

We got dressed and went down stairs to go and eat, but we were home alone because my parents were out to a meeting and my siblings were at pre school and kindergarten. We were done eating and gavi just left because he had to get home and get ready for training, so now I was just home alone so I decided to text aurora and ask if her and Javi wanted to go out with me and gavi tonight


                                               Hey do you and Javi
                                             Want to go out with me
                                                       And gavi to night?
Hey girly ofc we want to
what time is it?
                                        Let me ask gavi real quick

I had to wait a bit till gavi was done with training

                                              Hey baby when are we
                                                      Going out tonight?
Hey mi amor, it is at
6PM baby why?
                                                    Aurora asked when
Oh okay so they are
                                                                  Yes they are
Okay I'm going to change
And then I will go home
and make reservations
                                                       Okay see you soon
                                                                  I love you 😘
I love you more😘
                                          Not true I love you more
Is that so?
                                                                           Yes it is
Mhm okay amor I
Will see you soon😘

I then went back to mine and auroras text

                                                            Hey it is at 6PM
Hey bae okay, do we all
drive together or?
                                            I don't know maybe ask
                              Gavi if we are driving together
Okay I will
See you soon

Gavi's Pov:

I just got changed into my normal clothes and went over to my car so I could drive home. I put on some music while I drove home. I got home and got inside "hey hermano I have question" my sister asked me "sure what's up" I said putting my keys down "are we all driving to the place we are going to?" She asked "uh yeah I suppose so" I said "okay so we can get Rosa first and then Javi after" she recommended "sure yeah we can do that but first I need to take a shower" I said and then I went up stairs to my room and took a shower. I just got done taking a shower and now I only had a towel around my waist and then I got a face time call from Rosa, I answered it and she started staring at my top body with a shocked face "like what you see?" I said with a grin on my face "maybe" she said still staring at my top "my eyes are up here mi amor" I said looking at her while she was concentrating on my top body "sorry baby" she said then looking me in the eyes "it's fine beautiful, but why did you call me?" I asked "I just wanted to know how training went" she said I just started smiling "it went well what did you do today" I asked very happy because she asked how my day went "ugh I have done nothing" she said and I just chuckled "okay baby well I have to get ready now but me aurora will come and pick you up and then we will pick up Javi" I said "okay baby well I will see you soon love you" she said "love you too cutie see you" I said and then she ended the call.

I just got dressed into my fancy clothes for our 'double date' and I then went and knocked on my sisters room to see if she was ready. Me and aurora went into my car but she sat in the back so her and Javi will sit back there and Rosa will sit in the front with me. We got over to Rosa and she looked so hot in her her black dress that was tight and fit her curves so good and look kind of like auroras dress but auroras is red "hey chigas" she said when she got into the car "hey mi amor" I said and then I gave her a kiss and she kissed me back and then I heard someone clear there throat "excuse me" aurora said and me and Rosa looked at her and then looked at each other and just started smiling and then we drove over to pick up Javi and then we all drove of to the restaurant that I got reservations at.

Sorry guys for not posting for a couple of days I have just been really busy with school and football and family being sick so that is why I have not been making new parts
Adios Amigos<3
