Future Mini Messi

We finally landed in Miami.
We walked out of the jet and walked over to the car that's waiting for us.
I got into the car and texted Gavi.

                                       Mi hijo💗

                                         Hey baby, we landed safely in

Hola hermosa.
That's good.
Call me when you have met your brothers

                                                               I will. Love you🫶🏻

Love you more💋

"Are you nervous?" Antonela asked.
Am I nervous?
I mean maybe just a bit. They don't know who I am.
I think.
"Kinda" I replied
She took my hands in hers.
"There's no need to be nervous" she paused "all three of them know who you are. And their so excited to meet you"
"Especially Ciro" Leo said.
I looked at him and frowned.
"Thiago and Mateo are usually hanging out together, since their kinda the same age, which means that Ciro doesn't have anyone to be with, so when we told him that he actually has an older sister. He was so excited" Leo said with a smile.
I would love to hang out with Ciro.
He looks like such a cutie.
"That's cute" I said.
Of course I'll hang out with all three of them.

We got to the Messi house or should I say mansion.
The driver came and opened the door for us.
"Wow" I quietly said. This place is huge.
How am I supposed to find my way around this place.
"Papa, Mama!" The boys said running up to us.
"Boys say hi to your sister" Leo said.
"So you're Evelyn?" Thiago said.
I nodded.
I lowered myself to be the same height as them.
"And you're dating Pablo Gavi?" Mateo asked.
I laughed "yes" I said
Ciro came up to me and hugged me.
I hugged him back and then the Thiago and Mateo also came up to me and hugged me.
"Should we show you, your room?" Antonela asked.
I nodded.
Ciro wouldn't let me go, so I carried him.
Leo laughed.
"Ciro. You have legs" Leo said.
"No. They fell off" Ciro replied.
Me and Leo laughed.
"That's okay I can carry him" I said.
We walked upstairs and walked down a hallway.
I walked into my new room.
Holy shit.
It's huge.
A view out to the ocean, with a balcony.
Antonela opened another door, which was my bathroom.
There was a big entrance into my closet.
"Do you like it?" Thiago asked.
"Yeah. I do" I said, still having Ciro on my hip.

They showed me the rest of the house, until we had to eat dinner.
We sat down at the table and started eating.
"Are you going to play football as well?" Mateo asked.
I nodded.
"Where do you wanna play?" Thiago asked.
"I'm hoping Fc Barcelona" I responded.
"Then I'm going with you" Ciro said.
"I'll still come visit every once in a while" I said.
I know that if I get to play for Barca, then I'll have to leave them, but I will always come visit.
And I would love to live with Gavi.
"Fine" Ciro said.
I shook my head, laughing.
We finished eating and I helped Antonela to wash the dishes.
"You know that you can just call us mom and dad" she paused and looked at me "we are your real parents after all" she said.
"I will. I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I said.
"Goodnight" she said.
I walked up to my room and turned the lights on.
I got changed into some shorts and one of Gavi's hoodies.
I closed my curtains and laid down on my bed.
I took my phone and FaceTimed Gavi.
"Hola hermosa" he said, as he picked up the phone.
"Hola Pablito" I said.
Gavi's also laying in bed.
"So how's it going?" He asked.
"It's going pretty good. I have met the boys and I've seen the house" I said
"That's good" he paused "have you found out anything new about the whole football thing?" He asked.
Before I could answer, my dad came into my room.
"Am I interrupting something?" My dad asked.
I shook my head.
"Alright. Hey Gavi" my dad said, waving to Gavi
"Hey Leo" Gavi said, waving back to my dad.
"So, I got of the phone with Jonatan and he said that you'll start playing for Barca next season" my dad said.
I smiled.
"You'll be amazing. Promise you that, but I'll let you two talk. Goodnight" my dad said.
"Night" I said.
I looked back at my phone.
"I knew you would play for Barca" he said.
I rolled my eyes.
"I know that you knew" I said.
He chuckled.
We talked for another hour and said goodbye and went to bed.

I'm so excited to play for Barca.
My dreams will come true.
Maybe I'll be known as Mini Messi.

I'm so sorry for not posting for months.
I have just been busy with some other stuff.
Adios Amigos<3
