
Gavi dropped me off at my house. After dinner, since he had training the next day and he would talk with my dad after training.

I woke up. With bad cramps, and all I wanted was to have Gavi beside me. "Goodmorning honey" my mom said. Coming into my room "Goodmorning mama" I said "Are you okay baby?" She asked looking worried "No I have bad period cramps" I said. In quite a lot of pain "Awh sweetie. Have you told Gavi?" She asked "No I haven't" I said "Do you want me to call your father, so he can tell Gavi?" My mom asked. My parents know that Gavi has always helped me, when I was at my lowest or if I was sick "Yes please" I said, with a smile. Knowing that Gavi will hopefully be here soon "Okay i will call your dad. Do you want something to eat?" She asked "Can you make a açai bowl?" I asked my mom, since that was what I craved "Ofc sweetie. I will go and make you a açai bowl and call your dad" my mom said "Okay thank you mom" I said "your welcome baby" she said.

My mom called my dad and he told Gavi that I wasn't feeling well.

I was watching white chicks. When I heard the front door open "We're home" I heard my dad yell, and since I heard 'were' I thought that Gavi was here, and I was correct. There was a knock at my door "Come in" I yelled "Hey princesa" Gavi said coming into my room "Hey my love" I said. He came and sat down beside me and gave me a kiss on my forehead " How are you feeling baby?" He asked "I still have cramps" I said, while he played with my hair "You know what. I will go to the store and buy some snacks and a little gift for you. When I come back then we can get comfortable and watch movies okay?" He said "Okay. Thank you love" I said, giving him a kiss.

Gavi came back from the store, with snacks and my favourite vitamin drink, and a bouquet of white roses "Princesa I talked to Giráldez and he wants to talk to you about it" He said "Okay. I guess when I feel better then I can go and talk to him" I said. Gavi started kissing my face and I giggled, since it tickled "What are you doing?" I said, while giggling "Kissing my future wife and the mother of my future children" He said, kissing my neck "Gavi don't give me a hickey" I said "to late" he muttered "What did you just say" I said and he started laughing "Oh mi amor you love it when I mark you as mine" he said. I guess he isn't that wrong. I do like it "Should we start a movie?" He asked "Sure we can start one" I said.

We watched two movies. Halfway through the second movie. We both fell asleep.

I woke up to Gavi playing with my hair and kissing my forehead "Goodmorning my beautiful girl" Gavi said "Goodmorning my handsome boy" I said, giving him a kiss.

We went down stairs to my parents and my siblings "Goodmorning love birds" my dad said "Goodmorning" me and Gavi said at the same time "Hey sissy" My little brother Dan said "Yes nugget" I said "What is that purple thing on your neck?" He asked pointing at the hickey, that Gavi gave me. I looked at Gavi giving my a death glare, and he just started smiling "Did you two, you know do it?" My mom asked "No. Gavi just started kissing my neck and now I have a hickey" I said. Gavi started laughing "Oh princess. You are absolutely adorable, when your mad" He said hugging me from behind "You two are so cute" my mom said and we all started laughing. We are our breakfast and got ready for the day.

If you guys have any ideas for the next part then please comment some, cause I don't really know what the next part should be about.
Adios Amigos<3
