writing with you༄

- bubble gum by Clairo

me and gilbert have been meeting up every sunday for the past few weeks. well, i think i'd better just tell you how this all started..


it all started when we was collecting our things from the cloakroom at the end of the day.

i was the last person in the school room, (or so i thought).

"hey anne?" a voice spoke, startling me.

i whipped my head around, locking eyes with the one and only gilbert blythe.

recently, me and gilbert became closer, as we decided our so called 'rivalry' has been going on for long enough. i mean, it's been going on for like 2 years now, it seems abit silly to carry it on.

"oh hello gilbert." i responded, turning back around and zipping up my dark brown coat.

their was an awkward silence for a moment or two, until gilbert spoke again.

"so anne, um- i was wondering.."

i spun around once more, staring into his chocolate coloured eyes.

he gulped, "would you be able to help me with my writing?"

i widened my eyes, i mean, who would've thought, popular, handsome gilbert blythe asking ME the ugly red-headed orphan freak to help him with his writing.

"anne? you know what nevermind i'm sorry for ask-"

"no, no sorry, i zoned out for a moment, of course i'll help you, just when, where and what time?"

"well i was thinking my house, sunday, as sebastian makes his trips to visit mary on sundays, and maybe at two o'clock?"

"yeah okay, see you then gilbert !" i smiled, collecting my bag and running out the school room, into the forest.


okay, so now you now where we are at. well, we've been meeting up every sunday, maybe four times now? i'm not too sure, i haven't counted, anyways, i need to set off, it's 1:45 and i don't want to be late!

i tied up my boots and grabbed my hat from the stand near the door, shouted my goodbyes to mathew and marilla, and finally exited then house.

a frosty breeze hit my cheeks, causing them to turn a rosy pink colour.

as i approached his beautiful home, i patted down my skirt, tucked a fallen strand of my hair being my ear and reached out a gloved hand to knock on the door.

"hey anne." gilbert greeted, a small smile placed on his lips.

"hello gilbert, may i come in?"

"of course." he responded putting his fingers through his curly mop.

i took off my hat, gloves, coat and boots and followed gilbert into the parlour.

like each week, gilbert prepared us some plum puffs (my favourites) which he stole the recipe from marilla, some cheese and crackers and some blackcurrant cordial.

(yes, he made sure that it wasn't actually wine in another bottle.)

in this sort of situation, he's way smarter than me.

i lay down on gilbert's rug, and warmed myself up with his gas fire.

before long, i was nice and toasty and ready to begin on our story we have been working on these past few weeks.

"okay, so where was we upto again?" i asked gilbert, flicking through our book.

"i'm pretty sure we were upto the part where the sweet farm-girl ends up admitting her love for the unfortunate boy."

"ah yes."

"hey anne, doesn't this story remind you of something.." gilbert whispered.

i looked upto him, turning my head slightly, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"well, do you not relate to this story in any way?"

in fact, now that he's mentioned it, yes i do relate to the romantic noval we have been writing.

"i dare say, does this remind you of.. well.. us.. in a way?" gilbert said, not breaking eye contact with me.

"it actually sort of does, i'd be the sweet farm girl and you would be the unfortunate boy.. have we unintentionally been writing about ourselves this whole time?" i giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"maybe we have.." gilbert chuckled slightly, before getting lost in his track of thought.

"hey anne, can i tell you something."

"go ahead gil."

"i really look forward to you coming here every week, i dont really want it to end if i'm being truthful."

"really?" i whispered.


"i really look forward to seeing you every week too." i said shyly, hiding the blush that was overcoming my cheeks. "who said it has to stop?"

gilbert looked down at me, as i looked up to him, as we gazed at each others features for a moment or too.

i have just realised in this moment, gilbert has got cute freckles splattered across his nose, along with long, dark eyelashes, which complimented his eye colour.

a tension grew between us.

not a bad tension, a good one, i don't really know how to explain it.

i could feel butterflies erupting in my stomach, along with my cheeks growing hot.

i began to lean in, i couldn't help myself, he looked ever so truly handsome.

before long, our lips connected.

not for too long but as we kissed, i could feel sparks run through my whole body. i've never felt like this before. i've never felt so many emotions overcome me at once, happiness, shock, excitement and more.

i felt like i i could do anything.

this is the thing, that i've noticed about gilbert, every time i'm with him, he makes me feel safe, euphoric and as though i am unstoppable.

i'm pretty sure i've fallen pretty hard for him.

unintentionally of course.


sorry if i mispell things LMAO

hey y'all hope you enjoyedddd, trying to keep writing so i don't loose motivation because i really love you guys!!

i was inspired by trcfficlights

y'all should check out their stories as they are a very talented writer and deserve some appreciation! thanks for reading!

- eves
