The Future

*P.O.V Wade*

I watched as my dad turned around. No emotion present on his face, it partly scared me.

I looked at Kaya who had fear written on her face.

"Well hello you two." My dad said in a happier tone than I would have imagined.

"Hi" both me and Kaya said at the same time

"Come sit down." He said gesturing to the dining table.

As I sat down, I felt I should ask him how his trip was. But seeming he was going to a funeral, it didn't seem like a good idea to ask that.

"How are you?" Kaya asked covering my ass

My dad just nodded his head.

"I'm alright, glad to see that the beach nor my house hasn't burned down yet"

His voice held a light tone to it, which seemed to put me at ease. Kaya just smiled, but the nerves behind her eyes were clear.

"Look," My dad continued, "this is a business meeting, in lose terms."

I sucked in a sharp breath, back to not good.

"Lets start with the good."

God this conversation was becoming to bipolar for me.

"The beach banger was amazing, we had the largest turn out in years. I had vendors calling me telling me they will be back next year."

Ok that good thats really good.

"I'm also pleased that everything on my checklist was done, I honestly wasn't sure if it would be or not."

The 'goods' seemed to be going by way too fast.

"Now the bads."

There it was, bingo.

I knew we had some how managed to screw up something. I felt crushed, this was what I wanted to do when I'm older. If I can't do it right now... then when?

"One, I heard about the medical emergency. Next time I expect a call no matter whats happening."

Kaya nodded her head to show understanding. Her gaze traveled to the table, guilt over taking her.

"Two. Wade, don't think things don't travel I heard about your fun time on the beach vehicles."

My face grew red, well shit.

"And three, my house smells like a whore house but I'm not even going to talk about that."

I let a small chuckled come from my lips as Kaya pinched her lips together.

"Braxton..." Kaya started to say but Braxton held up his hand to cut her off

"Let me finish please." He said

The final blow, his over all opinion.

This was the make or break part of his speech.

"Over all. I am pleasantly surprised. I have gotten nothing but complaints on how you both behaved. With the medical emergency I'm glad everyone is ok. The beach ran more than smoothly and everyone says that you all did a great job. Even Emma texted about how well you two were doing."

A small smile began to form on my face as well as Kayas.

"With that, you two have worked together very well despite your differences. As for the house smell, just please spray some damn fabreeze next time."

I laughed slightly.

"In all honesty I had no idea you were coming home today or I might of." I said earning 'the look' from Kaya who now was overly embarrassed.

It was kind of cute.

"Well thanks Wade I appreciate it." My dad just said rolling his eyes slightly.

He stood up from the table and grabbed plates from the cabinet.

He set the table for 4 and Kaya gave my dad a weird look.

"Why are you setting the table?" She asked curiously

My dad gave her a small smile and looked out at the ocean.

"Well its a nice day out and your mom is bringing food from the dinner." Braxton explained, "so I thought we would eat at the table with the windows opened.

I looked at my dad in shock, we hadn't done that in a long time.

Now that I thought about it, we hadn't done it since before our parents passed.

It had been something we always did our two families would come together every Friday and eat dinner with the windows open.

The traditional died that stormy night.

I sprung up from my seat suddently excited.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked moving towards the kitchen

"Um Wade if you want to get drink... Kaya silverware please." My dad said

Kaya got up from her seat also a giddy look on her face.

As she moved towards the drawer with the silverware I stepped behind her.

Cups in one hand, my other hand naturally found its way on her waist.

I lightly kissed her cheek and I could feel her dimples as she smiled.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked my voice just above a whisper

"Just water please." She said in a smooth tone

She looked back at me with a smile on her face, God she was gorgeous.

"Anything you want babe." I said stepping away from her to fill up the glasses.

Just as I did Emma came through the front door with bags of takeout in her hands.

"Hey guys!" She said with a smile in her face before setting the food on the counter, "I know I'm alittle late but we had a crazy rush at the restaurant."

She looked over to Kaya and smile

"Hi sweet heart how was work?"

"Good." Kaya replied taking some of the forks and placing them on the table.

I watched as my dad opened the windows allowing the breeze to come through the house.

Something about this moment felt like home, like normal.

It was weird to say, that this was normal.

Without my mom without Kaya's dad, but it was the new normal.

And change is good, it always had been. You just have to learn to accept it first because everything happens for a reason.

No matter good or bad, at some point the development becomes clear.

That change makes you the person you are today.

Develops the friendships that turn to relationships, to the people you love.


