30 compressions

*Wade's P.O.V*

I hopped in my car and started the engine. I was exhausted after last night, both me and Kaya hadn't gotten back till late.

We had called it a night the second we got home. By the time I got in bed it was some time around 1 am. I was tired yes, but not like Kaya had to be.

The only difference between Kaya and me was,  I got to sleep in. Kaya didn't, she still had to wake up at 5 to open the beach.

It was a good thing everyone had a half shift today,  instead of working the full day. I was going to pick up Kaya from her half shift now to talk just like we had promised.

I was excited, and ready. Knowing we'd get to talk then I'd get to be with her for the rest of the day.

Pulling into the beach parking lot, I killed the engine and stepped out of my car only to be met with chaos.

People all around me were running toward the beach, some pulling their children away toward their cars in the lot. Screaming was heard from teenagers and crying her from little kids.

I looked around confused why everyone was in panic. I looked towards the water and saw it was completely empty.

Then my emergency alarm in my car went off.


I heard an ambulance in the distance and I begin speeding toward the beach.

Everything was a blur, I thought back to all the times I had heard the alarm.

My father rushing in the middle of the night toward the beach, me occasionally by his side.

Now he wasn't here.

He wasn't here and a medical emergency was happening.

Thinking quick I rushed down the sand yelling at any patron in my way to move.

I held up my Suston Beach director ID as I rushed towards the mob on the beach.

What the hell had happened?

"I need you all to step back clear some space please!" I could hear Hannah yell on the other side of the crowd her voice small compared to the noise of the crowd.

I pushed through the crowd, not so gently shoving people out of my way.

"Move everybody move!" I commanded.

My loud, deeper voice seemed to shock people backwards as they cleared a path for my to walk through.

I moved with purpose toward the center of the circle but froze when I got there.

I slowly took in the horrid scene before me.

Kaya was on her hands and knees shouting orders, while Brandon pumped air into the lungs of a person I couldn't see.

"Lilly guide the ambulance! Clem get ready to take over CPR! AND EVERYONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE A STEP BACK." Kaya shouted loudly.

Everyone was in shock as she screamed and everyone took several steps backwards clearing way for Alex to come through with the AED.

He rushed passed me like a bullet before sliding down to the ground next to the body.

My body felt numb as Kaya began compressions on the body. Brandon stepped away and handed the rescue mask to Clem and I could see the face of the young boy laying on the sand.

Tan skin, and blonde hair, eyes closed, and his face bloody, bruised, and lifeless.

The entire body looked unrecognizable and blue, so close to death. I watched as,

Cole laid there on the sand.

Chest being physically pumped up and down by Kaya desperately trying to get a heart beat started.

Everyone around her was panic'd, shakey as they watched the scene unfold before them but Kaya was calm. Her face showing no signs struggle, worry, or tire.

"29, breath." Kaya and Clem said in unison and Kaya stopped compressions and Clem gave to breaths.

About to begin anther round of compressions Kaya stopped as the AED was dropped next to her by Alex who was out of breath from running.

Getting no time for a break Kaya forced ripped open the AED

Immediately drying off Coles chest with a towel Kaya turned on the defib and began following the instructions.

Placing the pads on Coles chest, Kaya release her hands from his body.

"Everyone clear of the body!" She shouted to the guards. 

Alex, Clem, and Brandon who were all on their knees next to the body put their arms out to the side up and away from the body.

They all sat there in silence, the crowd quieted down as well. We were all waited to hear what the AED said.

"Shock advised." The defib said in its mono tone voice.

"Alight shocking." Kaya stated putting her finger on the shock button.

Me and the entire crowd stood in shock, it was sickening.

"Shocking, stay clear." Lilly repeated the guards still keeping their arms up forcing a makeshift fence around Cole from the patrons.

Kaya pressed the button and Coles body jolted on the sand his chest rises up and forcefully coming back down on the sand.

He looked like a doll being pulled up by strings. I'm sure my face showed how disgusted and worried I was about the scene right before me.

But Kaya stayed calm, keeping her team calm. It wasn't her first medical emergency, but it was her first time leading one.

Kaya had done a good job running the beach as a head guard this past year, no medical emergencies till now.

And it was on a little kid, a 13 year old kid.

"My baby! Oh my God thats my son!" I heard a woman yell as she made her way through the crowd.

I was pulled put of my thoughts watching as the woman, who I assumed was Coles mom rushed forward. 

I expected her to stop, leave room for the guards but she kept running to her son.

I turned and grabbed the woman as she ran, holding her by her shoulders stopping her from getting closer to her son and interrupting the life guards.

"Ma'am I need you to keep your distance, we cannot have you in the life guards way as they try to revive your son." I stated calmly, feeling earily like my father.

"Second shock advised." The AED said

"Shocking." Kaya repeated

"Shock 2, stay clear." Lilly stated

I kept looking at the mothers face trying to make it so she was unable to see her son. If she were to see what was happening to him, I'm not sure she would be alright.

Her face broke down in tears as she began sobbing while looking at me.

"What happened? What happened to my Cole?" She questioned tears pouring fast from her eyes.

I took a breath as I realized something. I had no idea what had happened I'd gotten here when the CPR was starting.

Anything could have happened to Cole, I could assume and lie to the mother.

"Honestly ma'am I'm not sure, I got here after the incident." I replied trying to still sound calm.

The ambulance came down the sand toward the incident. The other guards that had the second half shift were helping guide it and getting people out of the way.

"Begin CPR." The defib commanded

And immediately Kaya started again, placing one hand over the other she began to physically pump the heart.

She froze for a moment and I stopped, confused, what the hell was she doing?

She frantically looked between Coles face and his chest, before leaning over his face and placing two fingers under his jaw bone.

A tired smile spread her face as she leaned away from Cole.

"There's a pulse, vic is breathing." Kaya shouted aloud to which got a cheer from the crowd.

Kaya and Lilly began speaking a bit quiter now, flipping Cole to his side in recovery for a short time while the ambulance came next to the guards.

They got out of the vehicle and got Cole onto a stretcher. They put him in the back of the ambulance, along with his mom who abruptly left my side to join her son.

Kaya was quickly pulled aside by one of the paramedics and they got into a short, yet informative conversation about what had gone down at the beach.

I watched as her and the paramedic talked, adrenaline still pimping through my veins.

Even after the saving was done Kaya, from a distance, looked calm and collected. But from someone who's know her whole life it was a different story.

From years of study how Kaya acts, whether it was knowing how to get on her nerves, or knowing when its not a good time to push. Or when we were still good friends and I could tell when she was Happy, mad, or sad.

I've seen Kaya in more states of emotion than anyone else on this beach, just because we've both been through it all.

And right now, arms crossed over her chest, her two fingers rubbing slightly on her arm. Her shoulders slouched inwards Slightly.

She was in some form of Adrenalin shock, and her body though still looking very strong, to me I could recognize that she was ready to collapse at any moment.

She was tired, and shaking slightly if you looked close enough. She had goose bumps on her arm and was clenching her jaw when she wasn't speaking.

All she needed was just a moment. A moment away from the beach, and all the people. She needed a calm environment to sit down.

I walked over to Kaya and the paramedic. I stood next to Kaya and close. Crossing my arms over my chest as well to match Kaya's stance, I looked her up and down once before looking at the paramedic.

"Mr. Fletcher." The man said giving me a slight nod.

"Sir." I responded

"I'll have the medic team follow up with you to make a former medical report. His vitals are doing as well as they can be for now, but we can try and keep you updated. Understand you won't be the first informed on our list though." He explained.

"Yes sir, thank you very much." I said trying to be formal but quick in order to get Kaya off of the beach.

She was completely shell shocked and drained. Even though it was 90 out she was freezing.

As we walked away from the paramedic and the scene I took off my shirt and handed it to Kaya for her to put on. At least she would get a little bit warmer being slightly more covered up.

"C'mon let's get you home." I whispered, placing my hand on Kaya's back to guide her to the car.

Brandon, Lilly, and Clem were also heading home they each looked like they could pass out from the CPR. In situations like this it's easy to forget that we're all only 18- 20 years old.

I opened the car door for Kaya allowing her to get in before I shut the door.

I got on the driver seat and looked at her, she didn't look back. Her gaze was stuck on the floor at her feet, eyes not blinking and not moving from the spot she was looking at.

I clenched my eyebrows in a sort of sorrow. I reached in the back seat of my car and grabbed an unused towel that I kept for surfing.

I placed it on her legs and rubbed her thigh slightly.

"He's going to be ok." I reassured her, "you did a good job."

My voice was soft as I spoke, and I stayed silent afterwards hoping she'd say something or at least start crying.

She was starting to scare me as she just blankly looked at the floor, not even acknowledging that I had spoken to her.

I didn't say anything else as I turned from her to put the car in gear. I drove silently the entire way back to our house.

Words: 2007
