Beach Babe

*Kaya's P.O.V*

I climbed the stairs to the lifeguard tower, opening the door I was immediately hit with the cold air.

The temperature change hitting me like a bag a bricks, I walked inside and practically fell into my chair letting out a loud sigh as I did.

"That kind of day, huh?" Lilly asked with a smile, keeping her eyes on the beach.

I laughed slightly and nodded my head, at the same time I began clicking my pen on the desk.

"It's 95°F, and we work at Suston Beach, during the summer." I said dropping the pen on the counter aggressively.

Lilly just snorted and looked at the save total on the white board for the day.

"Well our saves counts up." She said trying to find a positive outlook.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from my chair, seeing my body in the reflection of the glass.

My blonde hair was braided back into Dutch braids and the red guard suit clung to my body tightly.

"Yeah but our 'complain to the head guard total' is up too." I said sarcastically before I began imitatingthe patrons "The waters to wavey, the sands to hot, your water bottles aren't free, why are you driving vehicles on the beach, why are you in charge? Let me talk to an adult." I quoted

"Dang, I'm sorry." Lilly said standing up and throwing out her food wrapper.

Her Navy guard suit ridding up as she walked.

"Just a day in the life." I joked.

Every life guard had the same love hate relationship with their job, you just had to be able to blow it off.

"Amen sister." Lilly joked.

I nodded my head sarcastically before taking in a deep breath. The smell of salt, sunscreen, and Lilly's sandwich filled the room.

Silence overcame us as we looked out at the water. Thought lifeguarding was a high stress job, sometimes moments like this were peaceful.

"You going out after work?" Lilly asked sitting back down.

She was probably asking about a party someone was throwing so I shook my head and scuffed.

"No, I'm going to my moms restaurant to help her. She's a little short staffed tonight, one of her workers called in sick."

"Ah" Lily said unscrewing her water bottle "Emma's light house grill, the best food in the town."

I laughed right along with her, keeping my eyes on the packed beach.

"You'd think such a good restaurant with afford us a better house." I joked.

Lilly only smiled.

"Well its nothing like Braxton's if that what you mean."

I shook my head, Braxtons house was a different breed. Being the director/ boss of pools and beaches at Suston gave him bank and his house showed it. No his house flaunted it, it was only two stories but had a completely open layout concept in a modernistic design. Let's not forget the private beach it also had.

Suddenly the walkie talkie on the desk began to static and a voice came through taking me out of my thoughts.

"Brandon to Head Guard."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Lilly.

"20 bucks he wants more water," I said while picking up the walkie talkie, "Head Guard here."

"Um we have a few surfers in the "no go" zone. They won't leave." Brandon said through the walkie.

"Wade?" I asked my lips brushing the walkie talkie.

"Wade." Brandon replied.

My body slugged. This was the last thing I needed to deal with today, him.

Lilly looked at my body posture and chuckled.

"Its amazing that such a stuck up, bitch like Wade came from the chill, peaceful guy like Braxton."

I laughed slightly, agreeing.

"It is kind of weird that I prefer hanging out with his dad more than the boy my age."

"They are both super hot." Lilly said shrugging her shoulders.

"Lilly!" I shouted almost chucking the walkie talkie at her.

"What!? Just saying the genetics are clearly there, just like you and your mom."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my walkie,

"OK, you're done." I said causing Lilly to laugh again.

"Kaya to Brandon." I said into the walkie-talkie

"Brandon here."

"Come pick me up at the main tower and I'll deal with your "no go" issue."

"Roger that on my way with the stallion."

I clipped my walkie to my suit strap and pushed open the door. Heat immediately hit me causing my face to flush, instantly regretting walking outside.

I leaned on the balcony railing and looked at the beach, things were finally starting to calm down as dinner was approaching.

The hum of an engine came to a stopped and I walked down the steps, to be greated by Brandon. I simply smiled and hopped in the vehicle, before Brandon sped towards the "no go zone".

The 'No Go Zone' was close to the rocks, and with violent waves people were not able to swim there. Nobody even sun bathed in this area which made it so easy to spot the 6 surfers out in the water.

"Give me the megaphone." I ordered, frustrated I was having to deal with this once again.

Brandon handed it to me with no questions. We were all used to Wade being a dick, he thought that just because he was our bosses son he could get away with anything.

"Wade Kelly Fletcher! Paddle in from the no go zone now or I'll beat your ass!" I yelled into the megaphone.

Should I have sworn at a public beach? No.

But I am the head guard, I clock out in 15 minutes, and I think my boss likes me more than his own son... so I'm sure its fine.

I looked out to the water only to see Wade flip me off with both hands. His actions amusing his other friends around him.

"Real mature." I muttered.

Brandon just rolled his eyes before checking his watch. Everyones shift ended soon and we all just wanted to go home.

"Wade get your pretty little ass over here or I'm calling your dad!" I shouted through the megaphone.

I watched as his body posture stiffened and he looked back at me.

"Yes I do dare!" I shouted, practically reading his mind, "and bring your friends in too!"

Wade looked up at the sky almost excepting defeat before he laid on his stomach and paddled in.

Coming in from the water my breath hitched in my throat as I realized he was only in board shorts. It was too warm for a wet suit, but he had no rash guard on giving me full view of his body.

His Blonde hair wet was brushed back from his face. His blue eyes scowled at me as he walked in.

I tried to keep looking angry but it sometimes got hard when a body like that was walking towards you with such force.

Damn it Wade, I'm going to destroy you.


Oooo spicy. Honestly same Kaya. Anyways hope this has roped you all into the story, I just love a good beach babe. Hang tight y'all I'll see you next chapter🤙
