I think I'm going loco

*Wade's P.O.V*

I heard Kaya's door shut and I exhaled a breath of relief.

I had no idea what was coming over me. Me and Kaya always had tension but now more so than ever, and I think I was the main cause for that.

I rubbed my hand through my hair then down my face before laying on my bed.

I hadn't had dinner yet, and frankly I didn't care to get any. It had been a long week and today had made it longer. Hunger was the last thought on my mind.

I thought back to the words Kaya and I had exchanged. She in the end was right but it didn't make her words hurt any less.

And the way she said them with such authority, truth, and emotion sent shivers down my spine.

Being around that version of Kaya could easily become a drug. Just being around Kaya in general was starting to become a drug. I didn't know how to explain it.

Part of me never really minded being with her, like me hating her was all some sort of act.

Though sometimes she did irritate me with the whole surfing thing, in the end she was right. But it didn't take away from the fact: I didn't want to surf any where else.

I took in a deep breath before exhaling it. I was stressed to the max just being around Kaya, feeling the way I felt around her. It was unexplainable.

With any other girl I would probably just act on my instincts and realize that I really didn't like her that much. But with Kaya it was different I was nervous, no scared to even talk to her that way.

Like if I took anything one step further it would all fall apart.

Damn, is this what Brandon felt like?

*Kaya's P.O.V*

Still caught up in my thoughts I Debated calling my mom for support.

I hadn't really spoken to her the entire time I'd been living at Braxton's. I didn't really have time.

Sure I'd seen her, her morning run were past the beach sometimes. I'd see her at the restaurant if I was walking home from the beach.

I felt bad about it, but I knew she needed her personal space.

She'd never been a helicopter parent but I was sure a helicopter kid, especially after my dad died.

My mind drifted back to what I'd said to Wade. All true points that I could have worded better, but I felt as though I couldn't get them through his head If I wasn't being brutal about them.

And I was brutal about them.

Then my face flushed as I thought about what Wade had said to me. He couldn't possibly mean it in the way I thought he did.

My stomach flipped just thinking about it, my face continuously getting hotter.

I didn't know how to handle myself if it was in that way. Some of it could just be the angry tension while some... could just be tension.

But I had to admit, sometime the girls were right. The thought of Wade, his body mixed with his personality. I mean there had to be some thrill in the way...

Come on Kaya get it together, you're living with this boy you can't be thinking things like this.

But maybe he is too. Thinking these things. Maybe he's just wishing I'd walk over there. It was 5 steps aways, his door, his bedroom.

The thought kept into my my mind before I could stop it.

I slapped my hand on my face and grunted in frustration.

Maybe living with someone really did add tension.

I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower.

A different side of tension inside of me now. I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

The water running down my shoulders and washing off the salt. When I turned off the shower I could clearly hear Wade downstairs now.

I listened closely, he shuffled around before I heard the sliding glass door open. Part of me wished he would stay, come back and let us hash things out once and for all. Let all the anger disappear.

But the other part of me was grateful that he was leaving, like I was nervous to hash things out completely with him.

What it we didn't like what we each bad to say?

What if we couldn't finish working with each other and had to call Braxton.

That wasn't fair to Braxton.

So I sat in my room on the bed and looked out the window to the ocean.

Orange filled the sky so beautifully, like a painting.

I wish I had this type of view out my window at home.

If I did I probably wouldn't have to live with Wade in the first place and I could have avoided this whole confusing situation.

But maybe I didn't want to avoid it?

Man I'm really going crazy.

I laid down in my bed and wrapped myself in the covers. The air conditioning with my wet hair making me cold.

I took a few breaths in closing my eyes, allowing the sounds of the wind and the waves bring me closer to sleep.

Downstairs I heard the door slide open again, causing me to open my eyes slightly before shutting them.

I was too tired to care about what Wade was doing.

Too tired to fight with him anymore, so I just laid there.

Breathing in and breathing out, slowly falling asleep.

Words: 935
