Chap. 6

"Whatever bullies say or do, it comes from their weakness, not yours." - Tom Hiddleston
Loki let out a muffled gasp and immediately sat up. Pain shot through him, drawing his attention to the fear that filled him. He felt hands grab him and let out a scream, the thread pulling agonizingly.

       He heard Thor and started screaming louder. He clawed at his eyes. Where was his sight!? What had happened!? Loki breathed heavily, screaming again. Thor’s voice interrupted him, “Brother! Calm down!” 

       Thor pulled his brother into a hug, shushing him and pressing Loki against his chest. Loki pushed away, before something was placed over his mouth and nose and he went limp, relaxing. Loki felt a soft hand rub his back as he was set down. 

       He heard Eir say, “His burns should heal within 3 days if left untouched. His eyes... well... there is no absolute if he’ll ever gain his sight back again. I say we leave the thread in until he’s healed all other wounds beside his eyes. It’ll be better for him to be silent.”

       Loki suddenly fought back, scared. He wanted the thread out now. Loki knocked the thing aside and grabbed at the thread, pulling as hard as he could. Pain. Pain filled him and stopped him. He felt his lips tear and winced. Thor grabbed his wrists and Loki groaned.

       He felt Eir’s gentle hands press his jaw closed. She softly used some sort of cleaning magic and his mouth lost the familiar cover of blood. Loki breathed heavily. Eir said softly, “I could give up on you right now.” Loki froze.

       After a small amount of time, or what seemed like a small amount of time, Eir suddenly stopped and ran out of the cell. Thor stood and a fierce, all too familiar voice said, “Thor, this is not your place.” 

       Thor responded hastily, “This is my place! You are being cruel to my brother. Loki does not deserve this punishment.”

       Odin said softly, “He is a criminal.” Odin stated louder, “You are not allowed to care for Loki. He will deal with his punishments.” With a simple glance, guards rushed forward and separated Thor and Loki. 

       Loki didn’t fight, knowing he couldn’t do anything against them. He heard Thor struggle and frowned. His stitched lips protested, but he wanted them to see his emotion. To know they’ve broken him. The guards lifted him and chained him up. Still, he heard Thor struggle.

      And then, he heard the snake. Thor’s voice broke through, “By Hel, father, please don’t.” 

       Odin responded, “He’s already had it done once. He can have it done again.” Loki felt his stress rise and let out a shrill, fearful whine. A guard placed something on his chest and before long, it burned painfully. 

       The snake was put into place and his head was restrained. Loki breathed heavily and suddenly, the venom covered his face where his eyes would’ve been. The venom fell down the sides of his face and burned down his neck and down his burned chest. 

       Thor yelled, “Stop this!” Nothing changed. Loki struggle, letting out a strangled noise of pain and Thor said, “Father!” Loki heard Thor being dragged away and whined. 

       The guards chuckled as Loki arched his back. The fire burned his face and chest and soon, darkness covered his vision and cold finally seeped in.

Written by -Zhatch-
