Chap. 11

"Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a beautiful day."

Laufey stared at his runt son, a sense of anger he hadn’t felt before washed over him. The body of Loki was covered in vast amounts of scars and open wounds. His son’s face was burned horrendously, and his mouth was covered in stitches. The skin and muscle around the stitches was raw and covered in infection. Loki’s body was limp, and Laufey almost regretted abandoning his son. Almost.

    Laufey turned to Odin’s son, Thor, asking, “What happened?”

    “My father… ordered his prison sentence along with torture. It’s been a six months. He has been unrelentlessly abused. The stitches were the first thing my father ordered.” Thor’s voice became tense.

    “Ah.” Laufey said, before turning to the two frost giant guards waiting beside the door that lead into the med room. The room was very abandoned, having been ignored for what felt like forever. The ‘bed’ Loki was laying on was a slab of ice, topped with snow so that whomever was laying on it was not entirely uncomfortable.

    Loki was entirely blue, having reverted into his Jotun form as a self-preserving mechanism that his body had when it got unnaturally cold.

    The frost giants that Laufey had turned to, walked to Loki, and one started using a magic to detect the worst points in Loki’s wounds. But what they discovered was almost unimaginable. Loki was dying from the inside. His body had been worsening to the point that Loki’s internal functions had been deteriorating for the duration of the torture.

    Thor panicked. Had all of this been for nothing?! He put a hand on the side of Loki’s head, gently running his hands through the blood soaked, matted raven hair. Laufey watched, before walking out to deal with other matters.

    Light. Loki sensed it. The dark had a feeling along with it, where it was lonely, depressing. But this feeling… this feeling was kinder. Loki tried to move, his body yearning to sit or simply even stand. There were no restraints, aside from the stitches that held stiff. A voice whispered as a hand held Loki down, “Easy, brother. You are very ill.”

    Loki thought half-heartedly: Really? Hadn’t noticed. He huffed, his throat raw. Suddenly, a very different voice said, “Cut the threads.” Loki shot straight up, sitting up and scrambling back. Strangers. Thor was there, but who were these strangers!? Thor grabbed him and held him. Loki breathed heavily, feeling helpless. He let out a whimper as Thor moved Loki, holding him down. Other hands touched Loki, maintaining a harsh pressure. Hands held his jaws open to its max width. Something went over and under the stitches and then… his mouth was released.

    A hand took the stitches out of his mouth, which was the least comfortable he’d experienced since he’d woken up. Loki moved his jaw weakly, before closing his mouth and leaning his head back. He said softly, “Ow…” It came out weak and whistle-y. Thor chuckled and Loki groaned softly, “What’s… what’s wrong with… with me…?”

    Thor sighed, “You are ill on the inside more than we assumed—“

    Loki hissed suddenly, moving his mouth afterwards, “Who’s we?”

    A familiar voice responded, “I think you know where you are, so take a lucky guess, Loki.”

    Loki frowned and mumbled, “Greetings, Laufey.”

    Laufey responded curtly, “Same to you. What mess have you gotten into since you tried to destroy the entire race of frost giants?”

    “Nothing. I’ve just been taking time in the dungeons of Asgard.” If Loki could roll his eyes, he would’ve. But obviously, he couldn’t. Laufey sighed.

    Loki was helped to stand, for whatever reason. Loki leaned heavily into Thor, who stayed quiet. Loki asked, “So… how come we came here instead of your favored Midgard?”

    “Midgard wouldn’t treat you the same, you know this, brother.” Thor responded, a soft breath coming from him.

    Loki nodded, and asked, “Would you mind if I tried walking? It’s been a while.”

    Thor responded immediately, “Of course, but be careful, brother. You are thinner than a twig.”

    Loki chuckled, but suddenly he became self-conscious. He wasn’t one to complain about his natural weight, but if he was as thin as Thor’s hyperbole, he was worried. Loki stepped forward and pain shot up his legs and spine. He clenched his weak jaw and took another step, before collapsing.

    Instead of Thor reaching out to help, Laufey grabbed his son, holding him upright. Loki spoke softly, “I guess it’ll be a while more.”

    Thor grabbed Loki, helping him onto the bed. Loki leaned down, and when he felt around to find the edges of the bed, he finally laid down and sighed.

    Thor felt the anxiety creeping off his brother. Thor knew that Loki felt defeated and weak, but it was rightfully so. Thor put a hand on Loki’s, holding it. Loki responded by holding his brother’s hand in response. Loki’s body was indeed thin, almost unbelievably thin.

    Loki’s arms were just skin and bones, each vein popping out prominently, and Loki’s neck was thinner than Thor thought was healthy. Loki’s collar-bones were the most noticeable thing about him, since they seemed to pop out of Loki’s chest. Loki’s face… oh his brother’s face. His face was thin, and where his eyes were most likely, hopefully, there was black. Black burns and venom scars and color disfiguration. It ran down his thin face, and seemed like ink tears. Thor also believed his brother was incredibly pale, having not seen the sun for months.

Thor hated his father. His father would pay for harming Loki. Thor believed blood is thicker than water, but right now, his blood was tainted… and he knew exactly how to fix it.

(Btw, I, Geo, might come out with a lokixreader christmas special tomorrow, what do you think?)
