Chap. 3

"We're all flawed heroes. Responsibility is power. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions, and the world is yours. Everything is a choice." -Tom Hiddleston

     His fingernails dug into the palm of the same hand. Even though they had taken the snake out of the room, his face still burned like fire. Wildfire as it spread throughout his body.
     He couldn't stop it. They had loosened the shakles and actually removed them completely. But the pain was so great he couldn't do anything. Or, at least that's what he thought.
     His body trembled violently. Of course it burned, but there was almost a sense of cold as well. The stone. Yes, the stone floor. With everything he could he pressed against the walls and floor of the room. The tension only relaxed slightly.
     He couldn't feel anything. As if he began to float but couldn't move. He couldn't move. Not even blink an eye. Didn't matter? Well, not really the blinking part as he was blind. But even when you're blind, your eyes still need to be moist.
     Loki heard the door start to creak open. Hearing was basically the only sense he had left. Paralysis. Sure, he could breath but all he could really smell was blood.
     Hurried steps approached him. The owner's hands pulled him back to earth and a few sensery organs returned to life. He felt metallic folds, like chain mail. Thor.
     Cloth was pulled across his face, but it didn't stay. If he had to guess, it was because he was wiping off the blood of the stitches again. The blood flow only seemed to increase as he tried to smile.
     Thor was the only one who tried to stop them from torturing him. The images of his brother struggling against the soldiers flashed through his mind. His smile tugged at the stitches harder. Tears fell down his face. At least he thought there were tears. The point is is that there should be tears.
     They weren't of grief or pain. It was relief. Thor wouldn't hurt him even if the world was ending.
     The paralysis left his system quickly. Loki immediately reached up and wrapped his arms around the Asgardian's neck. His scent flooded his senses. He felt the floor leave him as he was pressed closer to Thor's chest.
