Chap. 5

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience."
~Tom Hiddleston

     Falling. That's the last thing I remember. Only moments ago, I let go of that long shaft. The trident that marks the king of Asgard.
     Though, I remember his face so clearly. We fought for several long minutes. The Allfather banished him to Midgard. I'm supposed to protect Asgard. As far as I'm concerned, even though I would like to go farther, I was the substitute king of Asgard because Thor was foolish.
     I never wanted the throne. Truth be told, I would never have it anyway. Even back in Jotunheim, I was the youngest Laufeyson. Though, after I murdered all of them, I would be king.
     My body shifts to the point where my face is pointed toward the pull of gravity. I would die as a hero. Thor didn't belong in Asgard. He never has.
     As I say that I remember all the times Thor forgave me. No matter the mistake I made, he was there. He made me feel safe.
     He promised to kill all the Frost Giants just so I wouldn't be afraid. Even as a child, the Asgardian was always the bravest person he knew.
     I'm not a king. How could I even lead a people if I can't accept my own brother? I wouldn't ever be able to let them live in peace. Thor.... Thor could do it. He would find a way to keep everyone safe and happy. Even me.
     My hand reached and grabbed a horn of the helm I wore when I claimed myself as king. The armour slid off and my raven hair began to flow freely. My grasp on it left as it fell beside me.
     The wind dragged on my cloak and I smiled. Freedom. That's what it was. The wild breeze of freedom as in left all the pain and sorrow behind.
     My eyes closed as I relaxed just enough to let the pain leave my sore muscles. Yes, it left my muscles but it came to my eyes. They burned as they filled with water. The salty liquid escaped the barrier and was swept across my face.
    I open my eyes to see a chitari ship waiting for my impact. The metallic hull bent upon my crash. I gasped and rolled onto my back. My body trembled painfully.
    A figure appeared above the crater I had created. It was large, a titan perhaps. But what really caught my eye was bright blue orb kept within a spear.
     The figure bent down and glow of the sphere light both his and my face. It could be just the cast of light, but I believe he was a grape? I mean the color of course. There aren't walking grapes. That's preposterous. Anyway, he smiled. It wasn't calm. It was more sadistic. Like he had just won.
     The point of the spear moved until it touched the my neck. Slowly, it trailed down over my clavicle and placed itself into the center of my chest.
     Pressure forced itself upon me. My vision became clouded and something pushed against my head. Blood trailed down my back.
    No. No. No!
    Wake up!
    let this be a dream. Please let this be a dream.
    WAKE UP!
