-Wizarding World(1)-

Human Moondrop and Sundrop

Daycare Attendant x Harry Potter

I watched Harry Potter and I immediately fell in love with the film (especially Draco Malfoy ehem-). I love films that involves magic, it's always fascinating to watch like; Fantastic Beast (highly recommended).

Warning: Little spoilers!


It was your forth year at Hogwarts. You always loved attending the said school, it was like your second home and you even got to spend time with your friends. You were good friends with Hemione Granger considering you almost spend half of the day in the library, reading. Despite being a pure blood, you still defended Hermione from Draco when he starts picking on her. You weren't like the other pure bloods who always looks down on others because they're... a mud-blood. In fact, you couldn't stand the thought of someone bullying your friend.

Lost in thoughts, you sat comfortably on a chair inside the library near a window. Silently reading the thick book at hand. "Hello, Y/n" perking up at the familiar voice. Grinning after you found Sunny looking at you with his usual smile. "Apologies for interrupting you Y/n" he apologized, sheepishly scratching the back of his nape. "No need. Come, sit."

"Accio chair" Sundrop chanted causing the chair nearby to move beside you before he sat on it. "May I know what you're reading?" he ask out of curiosity, his eyes lingering at the book in your hand. "Oh, I'm just reading in advance for the surprise quiz next week" you said nonchantly. Gasping in horror, the Hufflepuff beside you clutched his scarf. "I didn't know there's a quiz next week!" chuckling at his dismay, patting his back. "That's why it's called surprise quiz but at least you can get ready. There's still time you know" you assured while he sulked in his seat muttering 'you're so mean' over and over again.

"Anyways, where's your brother? I haven't seen him with you all week" you ask tilting your head to the side. "Mmm... probably hanging out with the other Slytherins ready to cause mischief" he shrugged while you just sweat dropped at the thought. "Yea, sounds like him" you laughed lightly.

"It's almost time for dinner. Want me to accompany you?" he asks. Blinking in surprise, you look at him before shaking your head telling him that it was okay. "Please, I insist" he says handing his hand towards your direction for you to take it. Sighing, in defeat you gave in and let him help you get up the chair before walking towards the dining hall. "Look at you being a gentleman" you teased, laughing after you saw the boy turning scarlet red. "I think you spend too much time with my brother" he mutters quirking his brow. "Jealous much? Don't worry it's only you that's on my mind recently" you flirted. If possible his blush only worsened causing him to look like a literal tomato in your point of view. Not giving him the chance to respond you quickly entered the dining room leaving the poor boy behind with his own flustered thoughts.

About to stride towards your own house table but stopped when you saw the 'golden trio'. Smirking, you slowly crept up behind Hermione and Ron without getting noticed. When you were close enough you shouted 'boo!' in between them causing them to yell in shock. Cackling soon turned into laughter. Getting caught into laughing fit both Hermione and Ron only glared at you playfully.

"Oh, Merlin! You should've seen your faces" you cackled, wiping the tears in your eyes while Harry sat amused at the sight of his three best friends. "So, got any date yet for the Yule Dance?" you asked after you sat down beside the Gryffindor girl.

Ron and Harry looked at each other before shaking both of their heads in defeat. "Seriously? It's understandable that Ron can't get a date but Harry? The chosen one? Someone should fancy you somehow" your comment earned Ron to shout 'Hey!' obviously offended but you only ignored him and stared at Harry.

Shuffling in his seat he was lost for words, unsure of what to say. "Have you asked Cho yet?" you asked causing him to tense. "Uh... no" groaning at his answer, you huffed. "You better step up your game Potter. Where'd the confidence go?" you ask not meaning to sound mocking.

"Well, do you have a date?" Ron retorted back. Shaking your head you smiled. "Many have already asked me out but I declined all of them" you answered like it was no big deal. "What, are you crazy?!" Hermione gasps in disbelief. Shrugging you replied with a 'they're all ugly anyways'. Which caused all of them to facepalm at you.

"Anyways, Hermione did you remember the upcoming surprise quiz next week?" you asked the girl beside you. "Of course" she said with pride. "What?! Seriously" the two boys groaned. Chuckling at the two, your attention got back to the girl. "Godric, I'm confused to why you're in Gryffindor in the first place when you could've been in Ravenclaw... you obviously got the traits" you muttered. She thanked you receiving that as a compliment. "Anyways, I have matters to attend to see you later" you said before leaving the Golden Trio alone but not before stealing a bread from their plates.

Humming in delight, you munched on your bread. After fully consuming the food, licking your fingertips then your lips sighing in relief already stuffed. Lost in thoughts you didn't even notice someone coming towards the opposite direction causing you to bump into their chest. Groaning, you rubbed your head slowly opening your eyes, squinting to see a Slytherin scarf. "Hey! What's the big idea..." slowly your gaze landed on their face realizing that it was Moondrop. Lucky him because if he wasn't your friend or it was another Slytherin you would be full on cussing and yelling at them right now.

Moondrop's gaze narrowed at your smaller form. Standing with pride and confidence. "Going back to the dorm so early, Y/n?" he asked in a stern tone, arms crossed in his chest. Chuckling nervously you replied with a 'yes'. Sighing though his nose. His bloodshot eyes closed for a moment before opening them once again to meet with yours. The glint in them made you sweat slightly feeling a little intimidated. Backing away slightly when he leaned in beside you ear. "Meet me in the Astronomy tower at 12. Make sure your undetected" his minty breath sent a shiver up your spine. At the close proximity you could literally smell the scent emitting from him. He smelled manly yet it has a soft touch in it causing you to ease up a little and get intoxicated.

You snapped back to reality when he retracted back. "Of course" you replied trying your best not to stutter which you succeeded. Nodding in content he muttered a 'I will be expecting you later' before passing by you to head towards the dining room. Standing there paralyzed, it took a few minutes for you to relax. Kind of shocked that you were unconsciously holding your breath without your realization. Walking your own dorm room, along the way your mind drifted back to the previous events where he was so close to you, his hot breath tickling the side of your face, the seriousness yet tender look in his eyes-. Cutting your thoughts from escalating further, slapping yourself feeling your face getting hot.

'For Godric's Sake Y/n. Pull yourself together! Moondrop's just a friend...'

You thought slightly slumping at the word friend but shook your head dismissively continuing to stride towards your dorm room.


What's your house in Harry Potter?
