
Requested by: Wilxkitty240

Blind child reader x Moondrop

Also, always take note that when I do a Child reader that means there is no romantic relationship that involves Y/n. I won't tolerate pedophilia.


Black. Ever since you came out of your mother's womb, all you ever remembered was darkness when you first opened your eyes. Mother was devasted that you were born this way, both she and your father blamed themselves that you ended up this way accepting that you can't have a normal life like any child would.

Being blind was never an easy task. You don't even know your parents faces and the things around you. You had to rely on both your ears and sense of touch to know what was happening around you.

It was devasting. Same at school. Of course many kids can't help bullying a helpless kid like yourself since you weren't normal in their eyes. You were even forced to attend a class for special students, where all children with the same condition as yours attended. You hated it but didn't complain.

But despite all the negativity, there was one kid in class, f/n (friend/name) always beside you and have your back. And let's not forget your parents.

Despite not seeing anything, your parents gave you everything that made you happy and let you experience what a normal kid would. They are supportive. They love you oh so dearly and would do anything to protect their dear precious child.

Turning 8, your mother and father brought you to a place called Pizzaplex. You could tell that it was lively in there since the blasting music reached your ears while footsteps constantly passed your form.

"Isn't this exciting dear?" your mother asks. Shaking your head, smiling brightly. Holding tightly on both of your parents hands. You were practically skipping in excitement.

Your parents brought you to a restaurant. The food there was completely divine. Enjoying the taste when it hit your tastebuds. Then, your parents took you to a show where the Animatronics of Freddy and his gang sang and danced. Enjoying the blasting music that made you move your body and dance with the beat. After that, they brought you to place called daycare. You have separation anxiety, disapproving at the idea of having to separate with your parents and leave you at a unfamiliar place. 

Of course your parents didn't like the idea themselves but they pressed on that it was for your own good. And maybe befriend someone there. You cried, clutching onto your mom's dress pleading. After a few hours of persuasive words, you finally agreed which made them sigh in relief.

Looking at nothing, the Daycare attendant talked with your parents telling them they will take good care of their baby and you're in good hands. Once stepping inside, the noise were too much, you could tell that there were many children that was the same age as yours. Maybe even younger or older.

Awkwardly, standing at the middle of the room. You let Sundrop lead you to a group of kids who were busy coloring in the corner. "Hello, kiddos! I would like to introduce to you Y/n!" Sundrop says in a cheery tone. "Hello Y/n!" other kids greeted. Telling them a quiet hello, you buried your face inside your turtle neck to hide your shyness while fiddling with your clothes out of nervousness. "Kids, take care of Y/n while I'm gone! She's a special little girl so you should take really good care of her" Sundrop says dragging the 'really' word. "Okay Y/n see you in a bit. Bye bye!" with that Sundrop left you with the kids and walked away to tend the others.

"Y/n, right? Come here. Sit with us" one of the kids says patting the space beside her. Smiling slightly, walking towards her voice quite unsure where but because of her kindness, she carefully led you to your seat.

"So what color do you prefer? Blue? Red? Pink?" a boy asks but in a more snarky way. "Umm.." biting your lip you didn't know what to say. "Oh right, you're blind" he mocks, laughing with the other kids while you just lower your head in shame. 

"Hey! Stop being so mean! You don't understand what she's going through right now. And you know what my mom calls people like you? A bully and a jerk who only craves attention now that's just pathetic and I pity you for it!" the same kind girl retorted back with a hiss making the boy stand up fuming.

"What did you just call me brat!" he asks while holding her collar. You panicked 'looking' or trying to face their figures. "I said you're just a bully. An attention seeker!" gritting his teeth he was about to punch her square in the face while the other kids watch the commotion but stopped when the felt himself getting lifted up...by Sundrop himself. 

"Now what do you think you're doin" Sundrop asks in a dark and grim tone. "Mr. Sundrop, the boy was bullying Y/n and was about to hit me" the girl wailed, crying crocodile tears. The mood around him only darkened. "As your punishment you deserve a time out young man!" Sundrop shouts, dragging the boy in the corner.

Tilting your head in the side you were confused to what has happened since there were no loud noises anymore. "Y/n! I'm glad you're okay. Are you hurt?" the girl asks, her voice and presence now beside you. "Yea. Oh, what about you?". "Nah I'm fine. I always deal with guys like him. Man, I don't understand why people always preys on the weak and different from them" the girl huffs while you giggled. "You're so cool!". "Eh?!" the girl squeaks getting flustered at the comment. "T-that was nothing..." she mumbles, crossing both of her arms before perking up.

"Hey, there's still an hour left before we get picked up by our parents how about we play for a while?" she suggested with an excited tone. Nodding your head, you yelped feeling yourself getting dragged to another direction.


 "Bye, bye Y/n! Hope to see you soon" the girls says waving at your direction. While you just waved at her. Well, you think that your waving at her figure but in reality you're waving at the wall instead. She sweat dropped but didn't bother to tell you so you won't get embarrassed. 

After few minutes of waving towards the wall. Sitting down, waiting for your own parents to come pick you up. Laying down on the floor, counting the seconds that turned to minutes that turned to hours. Tilting your head to the side, wondering why they aren't picking you up yet from the said place. Pushing yourself up, you walked towards a direction while holding both of your hands in front of you. You didn't know where you're going but your getting more impatient. 

Touching a cold surface, you came in contact with it by knocking. Clearing your suspicions you touched the handle of the door then opened it. "Y/n? Huh, can't seem to find her. Maybe she already left with her parents.." Sundrop shrugged but one thing he didn't know is that you left... all alone...roaming around the enormous building. 

What seems like forever you touched the wall to try and find yourself to the exit but that was impossible because of your condition. Turning left and right nonstop. You were getting anxious at the minute. Caressing your knuckles you try to listen to your surroundings. But only to be met by silence. Sighing in defeat, walking at the same direction to where you can get to the daycare but of course you're still a kid. You don't have a great memory. And that's what happened, you lost track to where you are. 

"Mom... Dad... I'm scared" you breathed out a shaky sigh. Pleading that your parents would miraculously find you then get you back home. Getting startled at sound of power outage, squeaking when you lost balance. Shivering at the contact of your body and the cold floor you immediately got up. 

Gasping at the sound of chuckling and jingling from above. Not even a second thought about it, you ran as fast as your tiny legs can take you. Panting, stumbling a couple of times, making sure to keep in touch of the wall. But feeling desperate, you ran the other direction not touching something whatsoever. Regretting it at the end, you didn't know that there was an escalator in front of you. Screaming, covering your face with the palm of your hands, expecting the pain to hit. But before you could reach the cold hard ground, something or someone suddenly got a hold of you. 

"Gotcha!" a deep voice chuckled behind you causing you to freeze. "It's bed time but you're still awake. You must be punished" says the 'person' behind you before carrying you back to the daycare like a sack of potatoes. "No! Let me go!" you cried while punching their back, thrashing around to get out of his iron grip but no avail.

Taking you back to the daycare, he set you down gently on the ground. Staring at your confused and scared expression, tilting his head he continued to examine you. "Where am I?" you ask, stuttering slightly while clutching your fist.

"Back at the daycare" they said plainly. "What's your name?". Gulping it took awhile for him to answer, "Moondrop". This immediately caught your attention. "Are you Mr. Sundrop's brother?". "You kid say that" he shrugged quite unsure. "Then, why have I never heard of you before?" you ask tilting your head in curiosity. "You ask a lot of questions" chuckling awkwardly, while rubbing your nape. 

"But fine I'll answer your question. Kid's are afraid of me"


"Because they think I look scary and always has evil intentions"

"Hmm... I may not see you but I think you're a nice guy Mr. Moon"

Shocked at your comment, he looks at your beaming figure who only smiled sincerely at him. Well not directly at him, more like towards a chair. Chuckling at your silliness, patting your head. "Flattery will get you nowhere now go to sleep" he says picking you up before placing you down a mattress. 

Before he could tuck you in goodnight, you stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Will my parents show up tomorrow to come get me?" you ask, hopeful. Looking at you, he breathed out a yes. Smiling at the answer, scooting towards him. "Say, what does the moon look like?".

Gently grabbing your hands. His fingertips began to trace the palm of your hand, drawing a circle. "The moon is a thing that appears at night. The source of light so people can see in the dark when it's night time" listening at his words in awe as he continued. "People tend to watch the moon glowing accompanied by the stars..." he explains while drawing a star shape. "And when people are in desperate times... they would watch the stars to calm themselves or wish that their dreams will come true..." he says ending his explanation but when he looked at your figure, he notices that you're already deep asleep.

"Goodnight my little star"  
