
A normal day at the daycare. Sundrop gazed mindlessly bored out of his mind.

Pouting, his legs swung back anf forth in a normal pace while tapping his finger on his leg.


His head snapped at the source of the sound only to see a feline sitting beside him looking at him with curious eyes. Surprised at the animal he gently picked it up and took it in front of his face.

"What are you doing here little fella?" he asks the creature only to receive a Meow in response. "There isn't a collar on your neck... seems like you don't have an owner but... Where did you even get here?" the feline only tilted its head causing Sundrop to sigh.

Placing the feline on his lap he gently petted its head causing a purr to errupt from the creature. "Well seems like you'll be stuck with me for awhile"


It's been weeks since Sundrop kept that cat with him. Moondrop didn't really approve of keeping the cat at first but soon accepted it and even grew fond of the creature. They made sure to take care of it and even gave it a name, Y/n.

Sundrop beamed when children huddle over while staring at the cat in awe having the urge to pet it.

"So cuteee" one of the children in the crowd squealed while looking at the cat in front of them.

"Please Mr. Sun can we pet it? Pleaseeee" they begged but Sundrop only shook his head in disapproval.

"Sorry children. Y/n doesn't like to be petted that much" children whined in response, frowning they look at the cat one more time before going back to playing.

The feline stretched for a moment before approaching Sundrop rubbing its body slightly on the side of his leg while it's tail swing back and forth. Smiling the daycare attendant pets the cat causing it to purr in delight.

"Seems like it will be another busy day for us Y/n"


Cuddled on Moondrop's lap where the cat slept peacefully, its ears flickering from time to time while Moondrop carresed it in a gentle manner.

Suddenly, the cat awakened from its slumber and quickly got off from Moondrop's lap.

"Y/n, where are you going" the feline ignored Moondrop's question before running to another direction.

Huffing Moondrop follows the cat calling it's name from time to time, hoping to find the cat.

He was about to give up when he heard a groan coming from the opposite direction. Pursing his lips together he quickly head to the direction of the noise expecting to find his cat.

But instead he was met by a random girl in its teenage years passed out on the floor still breathing while wearing a plain dress. If you look closely there's ears on top of her head with a long tail coming from her lower back.

Tilting his head to the side he wondered where the girl came from and swore that he checked the place to see no one in particular.

Crouching down beside the stranger. He examined her form with calculating eyes before it landed on a stuffed toy laying on the floor not too far away.

Quickly grabbing the toy he threw it on the figure causing them to yelp in both surprise and fear.

In a flash the girl stood up in its feet but immediately lost balance when her legs gave up.

Cursing mentally, Moondrop only looks at the fragile form at girl in front of him clearly having a hard time but he didn't even bother helping the stranger.

"Who are you?" the girl looks up meeting Moondrop's bloodshot eyes. Blowing the hair slightly blocking her view she responded, "Y/n".

Frowning he looks at her in suspicion. "What do you mean Y/n. The only Y/n I know is my cat" he says in a matter of fact tone.

Biting her lower lip the girl hesitantly opens her mouth. "Will you believe me if I was the cat you were looking for just now?"





"So you're telling me... you're originally a cat but suddenly turned into a human?" Moondrop asks for the nth time.

"Yep!" you tell him while popping the 'p' at the end.

"This is crazy..." he mutters under his breath while he continue to examine 'Y/n' in front of him.

"Tell me about it" you say with a cheshire like grin on your face. "I guess I'll be stuck with you from now on. I'll be on your care please take care of me~" you tell him in a teasing tone.


Another week has passed and the Daycare attendant soon got comfortable with your presence and you even assisted him from time to time.

Smiling you look at the child in front of you, tail swaying from side to side while she explain random things to you.

"And did you know if you kiss a frog it will turn into a very handsome prince and you two will get married" the child explains whole you tilt your head in interest. "Really? Will that really work?" the child nods her head with a confident aura surrounding her.

"That's cool!" you beamed causing her to feel flustered. "What's cool?" Sundrop butted in suddenly appearing beside you.

"Oh we were just talking about how if you kiss a frog it will turn into a handsome man" you tell him with a happy aura surrounding you.

Furrowing his 'eyebrows' Sundrop swore he saw flowers surrounding you for a moment. "Y/n it's just a-" "Oops my mom's here, bye Y/n!" the girl cuts Sundrop off in mid sentence before joyfully running off to her mother's direction.

"Is there anything you wish to tell me Sunny?" you ask. Sundrop only shook his head saying 'nothing' before he stood up to clean the Daycare.

"Are you going to clean now? I can help" you tell him already picking up different stuffed toys on the ground. "As much as I love your help. I can take it from here rest for now" he smile trying to take the handful of stuffed toys from your arms. But you only dodged, pulling the stuffed toy away from his view.

"Please Sunny let me help" you begged with puppy eyes while a pout formed on your lips.

Sundrop sweatdrops fighting the urge to give in to those adorable eyes. Opening his mouth slightly he was ready to reject you but nothing came out. "I- Fine" he says eventually giving in.

"Yay!" you cheer. Turning his back he walked away from you causing you to not see the smile forming in his lips.


Sighing you mindlessly look at Moondrop slightly tapping your foot on the floor of the playpen.

"Moony..." his head turn to you at call of his name. "What?"

"Will the both of you... throw me away like my other owners?" you ask weakly not making eye contact.

"What kind of question is that? Of course not" humming in reply you turn you head to the side. "Just making sure" you tell him with a shrug.

Suddenly Moondrop hovers above your laying form causing you to shriek in surprise. "Moony what-" he cuts you off by placing a finger on your lips to shush you up while you felt your face burning and getting hot every second.

He then buried his face on your stomach his hand on each side of your waist drawing circles on it. "We will never abandon you and stop overthinking on such stupid things" he says in a firm tone.

You sweatdrop at this and only nodded at his statement. Sighing you came face to face with you only inches apart. Squirming and feeling flustered at his intense gaze you look away feeling something weird on your stomach.

"I like you kitten" he admitted causing your head to snap in his direction in surprise.

"So don't get your pretty little head get too worked m'kay?" nodding you tackle him into a hug feeling joyful.

"Aww I like you too Moony!" you exclaimed with a grin on your face.

Moondrop didn't know what to do completely frozen in embarrassment. But he only petted your head causing a happy purr to erupt from you. Melting into your touch he hugged you tighter but not so tight it will actually hurt you.

"I'm glad"
