-Perfect Little Doll-

Warning: Sexual violence


Looking outside, head peeking through the window. Listening to the kid's giggles playing and having fun outside while you just sat there, alone in your cold dark room with a Teddy bear.

Tilting your head to the side. Your fingers touched the glass window, tracing shapes and such. Memories of being always trapped in the room, almost spending most of your childhood in the said room. You felt lonely but Mommy said not to go outside. Afraid that you may break the whole perfect image of the family. As far as you know, B/n was the only one who can go outside and hang out with the other boys.

Much to your dismay. You weren't a child anymore. You have to grow up and have responsibilities that you weren't asking for. You always seem to question your existance to why you have to end up like this. You didn't even asked to be born and be miserable.

Knocking on the door. Sundrop enters the room with a smile. He was your butler. Everytime you get lonely, he always keeps you company and you're grateful for it. "Are you okay Lady Y/n?" Sundrop asks, sitting beside you. Nodding your head. You rest your head on his shoulder. Hugging the Teddy bear tightly in your arms. Teddy is your only friend since childhood before Sunny came along. So this stuffed toy... Was no ordinary stuff toy. It's special to you.

"I don't want to grow up. I want to become a child.. Forever. Having nothing to worry about and just smile" you mumbled. Humming in reply, he softly carress your head that it almost made you want to fall asleep. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to accompany you along the way while you grow up" perking at his answer. Smiling holding out your pinky. "Pinky Promise?" smiling in response his own pinky intertwined with yours. "I promise"

Walking around the gigantic house. Your felt yourself trapped in a doll house... But a bigger version. Seeing a random woman come out your parent's bedroom. Hiding in the corner, the random lady kisses your dad in the lips before tip toeing away. You were confused and oblivious of the situation but your gut says to walk away. And that's what you did.

Peeking your head to the kitchen. Your mom puffed out smoke while drinking a strong beverage in hand. She looks wasted but her jewelries on her body is still attached on her neck and her finger. Grumbling, making way to the living room you saw your brother laughing and playing games with his 'friends' while powder or what looks like sugar was on the table.

"Oh, B/n. Who's this beauty?~" your brother's friend asked looking at your form up and down. Shifting in your position. Squirming, getting uncomfortable at the intense stare. "My sister. Don't mind her she's just a nobody in this family" earning a laugh from his friends they continued to play while you stood there heartbroken at his words. Clutching your stuffed toy, speed walking away to the bathroom. You couldn't afford to cry infront of people. Mom said it was unlady like.

Sniffling, the tears starts to ruin you mascara. Brushing your eyes it only worsened because it scattered around your face. Hearing the door open. You got startled. Turning your head around, you saw your brother's friend wearing an evil smirk in his face. Trying to back away. He then traps you in the sink while licking his lips in hunger. "You know... You really have a beautiful face" he breathed out, carressing your face. Looking away you closed your eyes while trying to push him away. But he only held both of your wrist and neared your body to his.

"How about we make some use out of that body of yours?~" yelping, you felt hands on your thighs and on your back. "Stay still" he whispered under his breath touching you in unwanted places. Your mind turned blank for a moment. Tears running down your cheeks before you did the unthinkable. You grabbed the back of his head then smashed his forehead on the sink. Groaning in pain, he held his bleeding forehead while you backed away in shock. Quickly grabbing teddy, you ran outside in a flash not ready for the consequences.

Going inside your bedroom. Slamming the door shut. Breathing heavily, you quivered and shaked uncontrollably causing you to topple down the floor. Rocking yourself in attempt to calm down. Muttering things completely traumatized. You still felt it... You still felt his hands. Felt his touch. That disgusting and unwanted feeling. Sobbing you looked up surprised to see Sundrop crouching down in front of you with a worried expression. "What's wrong dear?" biting the bottom of your lip. Tackling Sunny into a hug you cried. "Sunny please make me forget! I don't want this" shocked his worried expression turned to one in anger before back to worried. Patting your back shushing you. Rocking your body side to side in a slow pace. After a few hours of sobbing and crying, your eye lids then started to feel heavy and soon enough you fell asleep...

Waking up at the sound of something breaking. Sitting up when you heard shouting and screaming. Hesitant for a moment, deciding to leave the room and head downstairs.

Reaching the end, your eyes were wide in shock. Sundrop lying on the ground. His arms and legs broken and torn off. All your family members ganging up on him.

"Stop it!" you shouted. Getting in front of Sundrop to protect him. "Y/n.." the sound of your name coming out of his mouth made you almost cry. He sounded so weak... That's why you'll have to protect him,at all cost. "Stay away" you tried to sound threatening but your shaky tone took your act away. Laughing your brother then slaps you in the face. Yelping, screaming after you hair got pulled by your own mother. "Don't think that you're safe yet. Think I'll forget about my friend?" your brother mocks looking at your pathetic state. "He touched me! And I didn't know what to do-" getting slapped in the face again but by your mother. "Liar. B/n's friend is nice and won't do anything like that!". Beyond confused, you all look at them weakly. Why don't they believe me... Why are they taking B/n's friend side rather than yours. Your thoughts was cut off when you got a harsh kick from you father seeming to be drunk. Screaming in pain. Closing your eyes tightly. It hurts!

Opening your eyes. Your face turned horrified when B/n was holding your Teddy bear. "N-no not Teddy" you begged, reaching at for the stuffed animal but stopped when your felt a harsh kick behind you back. Slowly and painfully, he starts to tear the bear apart. The cotton starting to fall down the ground while wearing a sadistic smirk on his face. Eyes and mouth wide open, you couldn't speak. Staring down lifelessly at the animal torn in half. Earning another hash kick to the side. Groaning before feeling someone lifting your head. "Don't do this again sweety if you don't want this to happen again, okay?" your mother asks sweetly as if she didn't do anything harmful towards you a second ago. Nodding weakly, she clapped both of her hands in delight. "Good girl now fix Sundrop to your room and get some beauty sleep."

"Yes...mother.." running quickly to your room. Dragging Sundrop with you, clumsily tripping from time to time. Once inside, you continued to cry while fixing Sundrop.


Walking in the house. Your mother's face immediately fell, her cheek aching at all the smiling. Puffing smoke, she froze when she saw a random woman kissing her husband. Enraged, stomping towards their direction she then screamed at dad asking questions to why this woman is in her house. Your father attempts to make an excuse but your mother isn't having any of it and soon they started to bicker while the stranger fled away from the scene.

Months has passed since the incedent. B/n was failing all of his classes which causes both parents to scold him, telling him to do better. B/n was angry. And this causes him to do bad things to let his anger out.

After a few weeks, B/n's life seemed to be getting miserable. Someone spread a rumor about him. Even telling everyone his wrong doing. This caused the other students to make fun of him, bully him. While others looks at him in disgust.

B/n was not the only one miserable for the past few months. But also your parents too. They started to get drowned by debt. Because of the stressful situation they were in, they started to have an argument everyday. Of course the neighbors heard their loud voices and many rumors about them started to spread. Telling the other they don't look what they seem.

Now this perfect family that they oh so try to keep is now falling and tumbling down into pieces.

Humming, watching the scene unfold. 'Innocently' staring at the divorce papers of your parents. And looking at B/n's bruised form. Petting your now fixed Teddy bear.

When you told mom that you're going to leave the house and never come back. She was devastated, screaming that you can't live without them.

Now walking hand in hand with sundrop while dragging your briefcase. Snickering, while looking at the house getting farther and farther away.

They were miserable... Because of you. With the help of Sundrop. The both of you planned this perfectly. First was asking a random lady to make out with dad. Causing them to fight and yell at B/n. Because of the frustration B/n was feeling he'll do terrible things that will ruin his reputation. Then you'll disguise yourself as a student in his school. Getting proof of him doing bad things then spread a rumor. Next is sneak into a neighbors house telling them stories about child abuse. And because of the yelling, they'll believe you and offer you to stay in someone's house for a while.

Perfect. All of it turned out exactly as planned. You and Sundrop were the mastermind all along. And of course you didn't forget B/n's friend. He's now in jail for commiting a crime he didn't do.

Laughing joyfully. Hugging Sundrop. "Thank you Sundrop for being here with me". Smiling, he kissed your forehead muttering anytime. "So, how about we buy some ice cream before going to our new home?" nodding in glee. The both of then head to a nearby ice cream store.

I love Happy endings....
