Signora <3 🍋

[i got a smut request and decided to go for it..... and i will probably never do it again ❤️ tell me ur thoughts tho :)]

Me, Tartaglia, Scaramouche and La Signora were all sat around a table, discussing our successes since leaving Snezhnaya. Of course, Scaramouche wasn't very excited to be there, mainly because I was not a harbinger.

Signora was sat in front of me, with Scaramouche next to her.

"I met the traveller. You know, Mondstadt's hero. He seems nice, but that flying thing seems suspicious."
Tartaglia started.

Scaramouche folded his arms and didn't say anything.

"I got Barbatos' gnosis." Signora added. For some strange reason, she would not keep her eyes off of me.

"Y/N, what about you?"
Tartaglia turned his head to look at me. Signora smirked.

"Nothing imp- mmph!"
All of them stared at me, because of the noise I made. All except Signora.

I felt something poke me inbetween my legs, and I quickly let out a noise without thinking it through.

"S-Sorry, I hurt myself earlier."
They ignored it and continued talking.

"Um... anyways... I met that traveller as well. I feel as if he has... pent up anger. I want him to embrace it... perhaps one day he'll... snap?"
Scaramouche leaned his head on his palm. Tartaglia shrugged his shoulders.

I felt the same object touch my inner thighs, dangerously close to touching my underwear. I bit my lip to prevent any noise coming out.
I peered down and noticed that it was a high heel... that belonged to Signora.

I looked back up at her and she was looking in a different direction, like she wasn't doing anything.
"I met him too. The last time I saw him was when I took the anemo god's gnosis, but I got away before he could get to me."

They looked at me, waiting for my input.
"Y-Yeah, I met him. Since I am not a harbinger he was nice to me... though he kept asking about his sister. I think- ah...!"

I realized I let out a moan again, and I put my hand on my arm to make it look like I actually hurt myself.
"You keep groaning, Y/N. Want me to take a look at your injury?"

Signora smiled so innocently. I wanted to ask her why she was doing it, so I agreed.
"Yeah, please. It kills."

We both stood up and left the boys alone at the table.

Signora walked into the bathroom and I followed behind her.
She locked the door, and stepped closer towards me until my back hit the wall.

"W-What is your aim? To embarrass me?" I spat out quietly, so nobody else would hear.

"No, of course not. I want you, Y/N."
She replied, taking my chin into her grasp. "And when I want something, I always get it."

I felt my cheeks heat up, but I didn't dare to look away.

Signora passionately pressed her lips against mine. I was taken aback, though I could not help but kiss her back.
"See?" She started, pulling away from the kiss. "I knew you wanted me too..."

Her hands ran across my body, and quickly enough she started to undress me. The cold air of the bathroom hit me as I was left in my bra and underwear.

She looked me up and down, not leaving any part of my body out.
"Cold? Don't worry, I'll warm you up."

Signora took off her cape and pressed herself against me, while simultaneously running her fingers across my slit.
I couldn't help myself, I kept moaning. I never properly felt someone make me feel as good as that, especially not another girl... but I wanted it. Badly.

"More..." I mumbled.
She laughed and started to suck on my neck harshly, leaving red and purple marks.

She yanked at my underwear and I took them off; I shuddered at the cold.
Her fingers swiftly started to rub my clit, and my arms slithered around her neck as I grinded my hips against her fingers.

"Ah... mh~"
Signora put one of her fingers on my lips to shush me quiet, but it was difficult considering how good she made me feel.

She stopped rubbing me and inserted a finger inside me, pumping it up and down. I kept grinding against her, I wanted more and more.
"You're a needy one, aren't you?~"

"I-I'm so... mmph... needy, please do me... m-more..."
I struggled for words as she inserted another finger, making scissor motions and thrusting.

I moved one of my hands away from her neck and moved it down, where I started to rub my clit again.
Signora seemed surprised as to how much I could take, and how much of it I wanted.

She moved her head away from my neck and attacked my breasts with her lips, licking and sucking on my nipples to try and push me to the edge.

It worked.

"S-Signora... I'm going to c-come... mh~"
Seconds afterwards I released over her fingers. She pulled them out and sucked them until they were clean.

"Was that good? Did you enjoy it?"

I nodded.

"Great... I hope you payed attention to my methods, because now you're going to make me feel good."
Without warning, she unzipped her dress, revealing her model-like figure.

I stared at her in awe.
"Stare all you like, but my cunt's not going to fuck itself."

I blushed at her choice of language.
Since she was quite a bit taller than me, I got on to the floor. She did as well; leaning her back against the wall she spread her legs open.

"Take these off..."
I pulled at her underwear and she took them off.

She was so gorgeous, even without any clothes.
I moved my arms under her thighs, and then held them on top.

I shoved my head between her legs and started to suck on her clit. I licked it as best as I could, trying to make her moan.

She did; she moaned and tried to keep herself still.
"F-Fuck, Y/N..."

I sped up my pace and teased her hole with my finger.

But then I had an idea.

I pulled my head away and glanced up at her.

She whined at the loss of friction.
"Why did you stop? I was feeling good."

"I have a better idea..."

I put my right leg over her left leg, and my left leg under her right leg.
She caught wind of what I was going to do, and reacted with a breathy laugh.

"You're going to scissor me senseless? New. I like it..."
I layed back and started to rub my cunt on hers, making sure to hit all the good spots.

We moaned in motion and I sped up my grinding.
I reached for her breasts and I took one of them into my hands. I rubbed all of her sensitive spots, while grunting and feeling myself about to come.

"D-Damn... Y/N... you... ngh... look so good on top..." She said, and I was pretty surprised she managed to.

"Coming... I'm... coming..."

"Me too...!"

We both released our juices all over each other, and were out of breath.

"You feel amazing. I need to do this with you again at some point, fuck..."
