scaramouche x reader

"Stoppp!" I held my hood over my head while Childe ran around me excitedly.

"But Y/N! They're adorable~!" Tartaglia laughed and tried to pull my hood down, however my grip was too strong.

"No they're not, they look so stupid!" I yelled back, almost kicking Childe in the stomach. Scaramouche walked into the room as I bashed my head on to a table with my hood up.

"What the hell are you two morons doing?!" He yelled, staring at me with my head down. Childe laughed like an immature baby.

"Y/N ran in to one of those fatui alchemist things, and he splashed a potion all over her! And now she has-" Childe was cut off by a punch to his side.

"She has what?" Scaramouche folded his arms, ignoring the fact Childe just got his guts smacked into next week.

"Aahh..." Tartaglia groaned.
Since my hands were not on my hood, Childe took the opportunity to pull it down, revealing two cat ears slightly twitching. I even had a tail which was uncontrollably waving around.

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted at Childe and quickly ran into one of the rooms beside us, slamming the door behind me.

"Bwahaha! Aren't they cute?" Childe looked at Scaramouche, who had a light blush tinted on his cheeks. Childe caught on to it.

"You're blushing! Ahaha, who would've known?! Scaramouche has a thing for cat girls!"

I sat down at the desk in the room and sighed.
Scaramouche entered the room I was in, taking a moment to stare at my ears.

"What do you want?" I snapped.
Scaramouche walked towards me. I stared at him in confusion.

"Childe was right for once, they are pretty cute on you."

"Shut up." I replied, covering my cat ears with my hands. Scaramouche moved my hands and started to pat my ears.

"G-Get off..." I tried to swat Scaramouche's hand away, but he simply just put it back.
I could feel my tail wagging under the table.

"I can see your tail, Y/N. Don't act like you don't like it~" Scaramouche continued to pet my ears.

He was right, though. Having him pet my ears was extremely comforting and relaxing. I even started to purr. How much cat instincts did I even get?!

I shut my eyes in comfort and rest my head on my arms. Scaramouche moved to behind the desk so he could be more comfortable himself.

I stood up off of the chair, letting Scaramouche take my place. I was going to sit beside him, however he had no problem with me being on his lap... so I did. I cuddled against his chest and sighed, almost falling asleep to his touch.

"I love you."
