Pantalone <3

Someone who is in debt would go to any sort of lengths to pay off what they owe. It's a natural human instinct to feel like you'd do anything for money. However, personally serving one of the eleven Fatui Harbingers was not something I initially had in mind.

My heart was pounding as I stood outside the room with ten other people. I was anxious - people say that the 11 harbingers have hurt people, stolen, and even killed.

The others felt the same way as me, and were quietly talking amongst themselves.

"I think one of us won't be chosen, and instead dismissed."

"Why? They brought eleven of us for a reason."

"Yeah, but think about it, I highly doubt the first harbinger will want or need a servant. If anything, I bet we'll be used as punching bags when they get frustrated."

I gulped, but didn't engage in their conversation. As much as I did want to leave... I needed the money.

Suddenly, the large door creaked open and they all went silent.
A person wearing a senior Fatui uniform walked into the hall, eyeing us as if we were all worthless pieces of trash.

"I will give each of you a number, and you will go to the room with that same number on it. The harbinger that you are assigned to are entitled to use you for any purpose. Talk back and they are entitled to kill you. Don't attend to their needs and they are entitled to kill you, understood?"

I peeked over at the doors, and noticed each of them looked different.
Number 8 looked bland and dusty, like it hadn't been touched for weeks on end. Number 11 had little ruin guard stickers on it, which I found quite strange. And number 1 had a golden handle, and looked very... expensive.

The person started stepping next to each person and said their number.

Shakily, the first person walked towards the door with a rusty number engraved in it.

The Fatui senior took a step forward.

The same thing happened for the next few people.


Finally, he got to me. It felt like my heart was in my throat.

I looked at each of the doors and found the 9th door. It was polished, and made out of some expensive looking material.

I made my way towards it and sighed. At least I didn't get one of the more powerful ones.

Some time passed, and eventually 10 people were assigned. The last person was very confused as to why he didn't get anyone.

"There are no more harbingers for you to serve. Leave." The stern person called out.

"What do you mean? Nobody is stood by number-"

"Shut it."
A woman spat, before walking past us and into her door. I recognized her - Arlecchino.

The guy without anyone assigned was taken away, leaving us to wait.


An hour passed, and quite a few more harbingers entered their rooms with their assistant behind them. Three of us, including me, were still waiting.

"Do you think they're gonna come here or leave us waiting?"

I turned my head slightly and noticed the person stood by number 10 was talking to me. I ignored them and looked back forward.

"Hmph, ignoring me? Well, I'll have you know that number 9, Pantalone, isn't the nicest harbinger. In fact, I'd be surprised if you survi-"

"Ahaha, you are the one standing here for money. Well, I'll have you know that I can easily decrease the amount that you're earning to... 200 mora a day. How's that?"
I looked up and noticed a man with glasses and a fluffy coat, scolding and mocking number 10's assistant.

He turned to me and gave me a smile. It send chills down my spine.
"Thank you for waiting for me. Do come in."

The room was massive compared to the little door. It had a king sized bed, many books, a packed closet, and a balcony. It was like a 5 star hotel.
Pantalone sat on the couch and sighed contently.

"Do you like this place?" He asked me, kicking off his shoes.

I nodded.

"You can use your words. There's no need to be so formal with me."

"Yes, it's very... grand?" I struggled to choose my words. I was talking to a harbinger who could kill me in a second.

He chuckled, but shook his head afterwards.
"I don't enjoy spending much money on things like... furniture. I like really messing with people financially, it's enjoyable to see them squirm around helplessly."

"Like the guy outside?"

"Yes." Pantalone started. He pat the space on the couch, inviting me next to him. "Y/N, is it?"
My eyes widened slightly. I genuinely thought I would be kissing his shoes or something, not sitting closely next to him.

"Yes. You're... not what I thought you'd be like." I admitted, sitting down. The couch was very comfy, no wonder it was so expensive.

"Hm. Rude and manipulative?"

I shyly nodded, it was the truth. After what people had said to me about him, I didn't know what else to believe.

"I am. Just not right now, as I like how carefree you are. You'd be surprised how many people are the opposite."
He added, with a smirk on his face.

I looked down, unsure of what to say.
Luckily he spoke up again.
"Y/N, if I were to ask something of you, would you accept?"

"Of course."
With the threat we were given beforehand, I'd be a fool not to.

"It may well make me greedy. Though I have probably acquired that persona by now."

I was impatient, and desperately wanted to hear what Pantalone had to say. It was kind of exciting.

"May I kiss you?"

It felt like my jaw dropped. I didn't know what on Earth I was expecting, but it wasn't that. A Fatui Harbinger wanted to kiss me.

I found myself about to answer back to him in a vast amount of confusion... but I stopped myself in time.

"I have had the urge to ever since I noticed that person was speaking to you about me. You didn't care, and it annoyed me so much. But not in a sense of agitation."

His hand reached my face, and I felt his soft fingertips touch my cheek.
"I'll pay any price. I just need to do it, otherwise this temptation may pester me for longer."

His long nails lightly dug into my chin.
"This is so greedy of me. It is almost exhilarating."
Before long, I felt Pantalone's lips against mine.

I closed my eyes, allowing his hot breath on to my face.

He slowly pulled away, but then pressed his lips against my neck. It tickled but didn't make me laugh. It was a new feeling, one that I hadn't felt before.
"Do you like this, Y/N? Tut tut, an assistant shouldn't be letting this happen... then, how about the other side-"

The door knocked.
"Sir, we need your assistance."

Pantalone sighed in irritance and stood up. He walked to the door and just before he opened it, he turned to me.
"Make yourself at home. Don't worry, I will be back soon. I am sure I will enjoy having you as my assistant."
