Albedo x Reader

"That's all for today. Thanks for the help, my dear." Albedo grinned at me and cleared up the experiment mess that he'd made.
While doing this, he accidentally knocked over a recently brewed potion all over me.

"Ah, sorry! Is the potion still hot? Did it burn you?" Albedo quickly questioned, handing me a cloth to clean it off.

"Don't worry, it's fine... will that potion do anything, though?" I took the cloth and wiped my clothes clean as best as I could.

Albedo grabbed the flask the potion was contained in and read the back.

"It won't, but make sure to keep an eye on where it spilled. Again, I'm really sorry for that, aha..." He nervously smiled.


The next day, I woke up feeling quite rough. Everything ached, especially my lower back.
At first, I just assumed it had been from how much work I'd done over the past few days, and all of the standing up had come back to me - but I was wrong. Very wrong.

I exhaustedly got out of bed and walked to the mirror.

"Wait..." I whispered to myself.

"They're not... supposed to be there?!"

I noticed two cat ears twitching on the top of my head, as well as a fluffy tail near the bottom of my back.

"Albedo?!" I quickly ran back to our bed and tried to wake him up. My emotions, sight, and hearing had heightened and it was extremely stressful having these flood in all at once.

"Y/N?" Albedo started, rubbing his eyes. "What is the matter?"

"T-That potion... what was in it?"

"What do you mean, love? What happened?" He turned one of our lamps on and then looked at me.

His eyes widened in shock.

"What...?" Albedo questioned, though I could hear some amusement in his voice.

"This isn't funny... what's going on?" I groaned in annoyance and nervousness. Albedo smiled at my reaction.

"I must have spilled one of my work in progress potions on you yesterday... I'm glad to see it worked, though. I know it is early, but may I do some research?"

"Um.. okay..."

"Don't worry, it won't take long."

Albedo put his hand on my head and started to pet my ears.
Usually, as a human, that would be a little weird - but for some reason, it felt so... comforting for them to be touched.

"H-How is this your research, again...?" Soft purring sounds could be heard as I asked the question. Albedo chuckled in response.

"I'm trying to see how many cat features you have gained. That, and you are enjoying this, aren't you?"

I kept quiet afterwards, as he was right.

Minutes passed, and Albedo finished petting my ears. I opened my eyes and gazed at him.

He slowly lifted the side of my lip and peered at my teeth.

"Yes, you have little fangs. Like a kitten."

Lastly, Albedo looked at my tail and examined it slightly. He picked it up gently and stroked it.

"Hm, and your tail is soft and definitely the same as a normal cat's. So in conclusion, the potion went exactly how it was supposed to."

"Will they go away at some point?"

"I don't know yet. We will have to wait and see, I suppose." He admitted, smiling.

I groaned once more and threw my head back into the pillow.

"I think they are rather cute, though. Why do you not want them there?" He asked, laying next to me.

"I don't know, I just don't really want to look like half of a cat!" I sarcastically replied.

Albedo sat up and pressed a kiss on my lips - it lasted a while.
He pulled away and stroked my hair, as well as my cat ears.
I moved myself closer to him and lay the side of my head on his chest.

"Personally, I think you should keep them. I could think of you as my personal cat." Albedo teased.
