I know I said last but..

I'm sorry...

I won't be discontinuing this book. I know how many like this book and I don't want to make them sad.

It's just that I have been having many mental breakdowns lately.

This is kind of a vent. I'm so sorry If I'm wasting your time, i'll make it short.

The universe is just playing with my feelings again.

School started and I couldn't fit in but I found a single friend who helped me make more. I started to fit in but then it happened.

Our school literally had to remove my section, the closest one, the section where everyone knew each other's names even if we had 32 students and it was just 3 weeks i think.

I cried.

I cried because I thought that after I'd fit in, I would have a normal high school life but the universe hates me so yeah. Sorry for the vent. Sorry so much. I could delete it if anyone wanted. I'm just so so sorry for my dissapearance

I hate this. I fucking hate this. My life is going so bad, I'm not being dramatic, am I? The removal of my section is basically just a trigger. It's been so long since I cried with genuine emotions.

I'm getting moved to a section with no one I know. It's gonna be hard to actually restart my progress..

Once again. I sincerely apologize for wasting your time to read my vent. I'm so so so sorry.

From, Author-san
