Chapter 5

We're at the volleyball chapter! The anime already got to that episode so I guess we can continue at the story. Note that there may or may not be manga spoilers in this story. Alright, you may proceed... to read c:

(Also, if you see the picture above and notice the "results", meaning, I already got two results before I got the spy x family result to update on. Well, to explain, I got the "make fanart" and "Black clover". I did make fanart but I was too shy to post it and I'm still writing the next Black Clover x oc chapter so yeah.)


We're starting at the morning where (M/N) had just arrived home. Both Loid and (M/N) gained injuries as Yor had gotten exhausted from all the chasing she did the the night before.

"Go back to sleep, Anya. Welcome home,
(M/N). How was the sleepover?" Loid said as he still sat on the chair, not even looking at either of the siblings.

"G-great..." (M/N) said as he limped to the sofa.


"Good morning, Anya. W-why are you awake at this hour?" (M/N) said.

"School." Anya said.

Loid stood up in an instant and startled everyone in the room.

"I forgot you have school. Let me cook breakfast for you both!" He said and ran in a rush.

"Are you okay, (M/N)? You seem to be hurt." Yor asked in worry.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just hit my leg on the counter this morning." (M/N) lied as he panicked internally.

"I-is it a cut or a bruise!? Let me patch you up!" Yor freaked out.

"You don't need to patch up a small bruise. I'm fine." (M/N) said.

'I'll avoid limping now. I never guessed that being shot would be this painful. I guess hiding the pain would make it worse but to continue my work, I'll do it.' (M/N) thought.

"Okay... Well then, shall I go prepare your uniform while you shower?" Asked Yor.

"N-no need... Besides, you seem a bit tired." (M/N) said.

Yor had eyebags and was wobbling even on her seat.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, m-mom..."

Yor looked like all the exhaustion got cleared off when she heard what she was called.

"I'll go get it ready now!" Yor's face reddened up as she ran to the kid's room.

"M-mom! It's okay!" (M/N) said as he chased after Yor.

Anya was left in the room alone now.

'They all fought.' She was still in shock.


"Let's go now, Anya. The car's here." (M/N) smiled at Anya as she was sitting on their couch twiddling her fingers before she got interrupted.

"How about Papa and Mama?" Anya asked.

"E-etto..." (M/N) stuttered.

We're shown that they both fell asleep after cooking and cleaning.

Anya looked at them.

"Okeh!" She said as she scurried over to

They were both outside their building and was in front of a car.

They went in like the day before and rode to school.


"There is going to have a dodgeball match at Friday." (BFF/N) said.

"Really?" (M/N) asked.

They were both walking in the halls of the school, passing other students at their lockers.

(BFF/N) nodded.

"Mhm, all classes and even the little ones so your sister will also be participating." They explained.

"Hm... I'm not really great at dodgeball... I've  never played that before." (M/N) said.

"Do you live in a rock or something? What do you play?" (I don't mean to offend anyone who never played dodgeball before.) (BFF/N) stopped in their tracks.

"Golf." (M/N) said.

"Tch. Rich and Formal families."

"Most students have Rich families here."
(M/N) said as he was confused.

"Not as perfect and formal as your biological family-" (BFF/N) said before realizing what they had said.

(M/N) froze.

"I-i'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring that up..." (BFF/N) apologized.

The tense suddenly broke as (M/N) lifted his face up and smiled.

"It's okay..." He said.

'Wait until one day you'll see how "perfect" my family was.' (M/N) thought.

He was smiling with no doubt inside of him.

A part of him wanted to show (BFF/N) the demon a part of him but the other side was filled with hesitation and doubt that (BFF/N) would leave him and his sadistic thoughts.

"Are you sure? I just brought up that memory and you're letting it go?" (BFF/N) asked.

"You're really sorry, right? Then there is no point getting mad." (M/N) said so humbly.

"A-alright... then... would you like me to teach you dodgeball while it's club time?" (BFF/N) offered as they quickly wanted to change the topic.

"I wish I could but we have an imperial scholar meeting." (M/N) said.

"Aw... Can't you skip those events?" (BFF/N) complained.

"N-no... They said that we would be discussing something important." (M/N) chuckled sheepishly.

(BFF/N) pouted and kept complaining while (M/N) kept refusing.

"How about now?? There is no class at this hour!" (BFF/N) offered once more.

"Now? Hm... Okay then, the high schooler's gym is closed by the way. Why don't we watch my little sister?" (M/N) said with a smile.

"Why don't you smile often??" They asked.

"Why don't you shut up more??" (M/N) said sarcastically. "So? Let's go?" He continued.

"But your sister's classroom is at the other side of the building!"

"Then let's take a carriage!"

A carriage is used for transportation. The school is so big that carriages are placed everywhere for students to use.

They watched her the entire day. If you want a chapter on that, you can request.

Anyway, after three days, the volleyball episode begins. \ (^u^) /

"Ah... Dodgeball. Sounds troublesome but we practiced this. Do your best, lil sis nad catch that Stella star." (M/N) told Anya. 

Anya saluted with a determined face.


Then returned to an excited face.

'I'm going to help Papa in his mission!' Anya thought.

They both drove to school as usual and gave their farewells and good lucks.

(M/N)'s match was earlier than Anya so he prepared after a few classes.

He got dressed in his own P.E. uniform and headed to their gym.

"LINE UP!!" a yell echoed in the gym.

(M/N) walked in line and stood up straight.

"Good luck! I trust everyone knows how to play dodgeball, yes?" The female coach asked.

"YES MA'AM!" Yelled the students.


The students ran over to a position as the team they were assigned early.

The air tensed as some rivalries started from glares team to team.

Then the whistle was blown.


The squeaking of the shoes was heard in the echo and balls were being thrown. (M/N) dodged them effortlessly but then he caught the ball.

"Go for it, Scholar! Come on!" Screamed one of his teammates.

'I'm good at aiming but not for balls!' He panicked and threw it at someone which he completely missed. 

"What happened there, Forger?!" The coach yelled.

The game just continued on and his team was on balance with the other.

There came for the last shot. Him and another.

(M/N) expected that the other player was good like in movies and shows but he was just a nerd.

The only problem was that he was the one who was going to hit.

"Go on, (M/N)! Hurry up and throw the ball. You got to hit the nerd!" A teammate yelled again.

He threw it and...


A couple of boos and laughter erupted in the room.

"I'm not good at throwing!" HE was triggered at them.

As the nerd picked up the ball without (M/N) looking because he was facing his hit teammates.

The nerd had a chance.

He threw it and the students gasped.

(M/N) had caught it before hitting his face.

"Aw c'mon-!" He yelled.

Everyone was cheering and he realized what he did.

He pretended to be shocked.

"W-woah! I caught it!" (M?N) chuckled sheepishly. 

"Now throw it and hit him!" 

(M?N) threw it again and...


It went back and forth until atleast the 10th time.

"C'mon, (M/N)! You're just letting our hopes up and putting them down!"

"It's alright! I think I got the hang of it now!" (M/N) yelled as he helled the ball.

He finally threw it and hit the nerd's head.

Everyone cheered while exhausted for the previous cheering.

The nerd was knocked unconscious and was brought to the school nurse.

"Dang, I'm lucky to have not been that student." The other team muttered.

"Alright, coach. can you give me permission to watch my little sister? it's after English which is your class." (M/N) excused himself.

"Okay okay, since you won." The coach said.

"Now where is his Stella, coach!?" A random student questioned.

"Hah!? Stella?! Who told you I was giving one?" The coach said.

Everyone shouted different names and suddenly got confused.

"Tch. Annoying rumors'." She muttered and walked out of the gym while the students accused each other.

(M/N) sighed and walked out of the room to prepare for English class.


After English class, he and (BFF/N) came running to the carriage they ordered and arrived at the first year's gym court.

"Please don't be starting early!" (BFF/N) said as they opened the door waiting.

"I can't believe have to be on the same team as them." Becky complained in the court.

"Phew, seems like we're just in time." (M/N) said.

"You got a problem, Forehead girl??" A boy with gravity-defying hair asked.

(M/N) spotted Anya staring at a boy. 

'Ah~ Lil sis has a crush?' (M/N) thought.

"What are you looking at!?" the boy yelled.

'Oof- Seems like thy're not on good terms.' (M/N) assumed.

Anya walked away and (M/N) looked at the boy who was blushing.

'I'm reading the whole room perfectly. The boy's in denial!'


"LINE UP!!" The familiar whistle sounded.

"Couch Bobby is out sick today so I will referee in his place. I expect you to behave as the ladies and gentlemen that you are and play with ELEGANCE!" The substitute said.

"Oh it's mister Elegance." (M/N) said as he looked at (BFF/N). 

They both took a seat and watched the first years get ready.

The whistle was heard and the ball bounced up. The boy caught it and he was cheered on. 

"Lead us to victory, Damian!" one of his teammates cheered.

'Ph I remember him now. Damian Desmond. He's the youngest of one of the most prestigious families.' (M/N) thought.

Then Damian threw the ball and it was going to hit a lot but they dodged. Except for one student.


The sound of the ball encountering a hand and staying there was heard.

'Ooh, strong.' 

"Great catch, Billy!" Billy's teammate complimented.

 He was a known student within the first years as Bazooka Bill.

Back and forth throwing kept on going as Billy was eliminating so many players in the opposing team. 

It went on until it was five people in Anya's team and fourteen in Billy's team. 

Damian was going to get hit when one of his friends blocked him. 

They cried dramatically and another one of them was hit. There was now just Anya, Damian and another boy.

Billy was going to target Anya but she dodged. 

"Good job, lil sis!" (M/N) yelled. Everyone's attention to him.

Everyone was gasping.

"It's him! (L/N)-kun!" The students murmured.

The substitute approached him.

"Did you make sure to ask permission to come here?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." (M/N) answered back.

Everyone's attention coming back to the tense match as the teams still remained eye contact with each other.

Anya was dodging them all.

(BFF/N) chuckled. 

(M/N) looked at them in confusion.

"You guys really are fit to be siblings. You massacred the whole other team. Well, not by killing to be honest. By surviving." (BFF/N) explained.

"Haha, very funny." They both looked back at the match. 

Billy looked like he was going to throw the ball hard and he watched intently.

(BFF/N) was panicking in worry.

Anya was just standing still with a weird expression.

The ball was going to hit Anya and (BFF/N) covered her eyes but it curved left and hit the other boy.

Billy was starting to form tears in his eyes.

(M/N) watched as Damian complimented his sister and Anya did a Smug Face. (lol, the iconic one.)

All of a sudden Becky yelled a warning.

"Anya Be careful! You're almost out-of-bounds!" She yelled.

Anya panicking, she tripped on air and landed on her chin.

(M/N) stood up in a startle as Billy was about to hit her.

As the ball was being thrown...

Damian Shielded her.

'I... SHIP IT.' (M/N) thought.

It seemed like (BFF/N) had the same thought was they both had the same expression on their face.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute." (BFF/N) said.

Damian walked out of court.

It was fourteen VS one.

"I can't let Sy-on boy die in vain..." Anya said as she closed her eyes.

"I'm not dead!" Damian said.

"Aw... She already has a nickname for him!" (BFF/N) said.

"Damian... I will avenge you!" Anya said, holding the ball.

She looked focused and was going to hit hard but then... 

She just... bounced it one the floor, passing it to the opposing team...

The best friends watching, snorted together.

Billy hit Anya and she fell.

"THAT'S GAME!" The substitute yelling after the whistle.

Everyone cheered and laughed at Anya.

"Yay! Billy's gonna get a Stella star! Everyone cheered.

"Hm? We don't give out Stella Stars from mere Dodgeball matches." The substitute said.


(Welp, that's it for the chapter. It took me so long to make this due to writer's block. I hope you enjoyed it. If I ahd any mistakes, please do tell me. You can be confident. Bye bye now!)

Words: 2135

