Chapter 6 (edited it)

(I already made a chapter 6 but a lot didn't make sense. And yes, I'm back. Sorry for everything. I won't guarantee frequent posting though. Sorry.)

(M/N) wakes up to the sound of the television. He opens his eyes and sits up.

'After the whole dodgeball match, the pain in my injury worsened. It was hard to hide it more. I guess I underestimated a gun shot wound.' (M/N) thought as he examined his wound.

He stands up and winces at every move but he did his best not to. 

(M/N) walked up outside his sister and him, shared.

"But how, bondman? How can this be!?" Cliché lines was heard from the show Anya was watching.

"Good morning..." (M/N) muttered as he rubbed his eyes and walked to the couch Loid was on. 

"Hey Anya-" 

"Busy now. Cartoons." Anya interrupted Loid as she stared intently on the Television screen.

"Not too close, Anya." (M/N) warned.

Anya scooted away, not looking away from the screen.

Suddenly, Loid walked over and picked Anya over.

"NOOOOOO!! I HATE STUDYING!!" Anya yelled.

"Stop struggling! You promised me we'd study at five o'clock!" Loid struggled to keep Anya in his arms. 

(M/N) snickered a bit in the background as Anya flailed her arms around.


Loid looked tired as he was thinking of what he'd have to do for Anya to listen. 

He put Anya down by the table and Loid sat back down with (M/N).

Moments later of Loid struggling to teach Anya, Yor came over to the table to try and teach her but also failed.

(M/N) thought of joining in but he couldn't think of anything to teach her. 

Then they tried to find Anya's talents, but failed in every test they took.

Eventually, they ended up in Community services.


Everything didn't work.

They all gave up and was about to go home until Anya ran off saying that someone was drowning in the pool but then changed her mind saying she was going to practice at the pool.

(M/N) ran off to find her and also ended up in the pool area. He looked around to see Anya jumping in the water. He followed in pursuit.

He opened his eyes underwater to see a blurry figure of his sister and another boy, sinking in the water. 

He caught Anya as Anya caught the boy.

They swam in the surface to see a worried Loid rushing to hold (M/N)'s hand.

Everyone in the pool saw the scene as the drowning boy was brought back to his senses.

Everyone was clapping especially at Anya.

Everyone was happy. (M/N) eyed Anya in disbelief of what Anya just did.

He looked at the pool to see a tint of red until he realized what it was.

 He ran off the room without anyone noticing to a secluded area.

He sat down the grass and turned to his leg.

It was bleeding.

"Damn it. Not now." He muttered.

He rummaged around his wet bag for new bandages but to no surprise, it was wet and ripped apart.

"I'm going to have to sew it back at the warehouse. How do I tell Loid that I'm leaving though?" (M/N) muttered to himself.

"Screw it" He exclaimed.

(M/N) ended up leaving in secret and headed to the warehouse through alleyways.

Cue the scene I cut from the previous chapter xd. 30 minutes ltr.

A girl was walking down the halls by the garden in a house.

Humming random tunes as she skipped along.


She turned to the voice in front of her.

"Princess!" She ran and hugged the once in front her.

"Mission?" Princess asked

"Mhm!" Heart answered

"That's nice." Princess answered back.

"I've got to go home to my family now." The other assassin said.

"But aren't I your friend!?" Heart whined.

"You said you hated being my friend because I was old!"

"Well... I don't know! Let me see your family!" Heart whined even more.

Princess sighed.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt..."

"Thank you! Thorn Princess."


(M/N)'s POV

Takeshi finally sewed my injury back up so I could go back home to my family.

I think he held some grudges though, he made it extra painful.


"WHY WOULD I- AGH- FLIRT WITH THE- AGH- ENEMY!" I grunted each time the needle pierced mt skin.



Why was the warehouse empty?

He entered the warehouse and his eyes widened at the sight of scattered papers and stumbled furniture.

Takeshi was rowdy but, he was organized, he wouldn't make such a mess.

"What the..." (M/N) said as he held on the the frame or the entrance.

(M/N) quickly took his mask and covered his face in case of emergencies

He limped to the mess and picked them up one by one, cleaning it up.

"If you're there, Ace. Stop this prank. I need help." (M/N) said as he took out his pocket knife.

"Aghhh. This is annoying me, Ace." He continued.

(Hmm... what could have happened ;))


And so on, and so on.

Every place on my body was still a bit numb, I couldn't walk properly so Takeshi had to carry me on his back.

"Oh no. What do I say to my parents!? I suddenly ran out on them!" I panicked.

"We'll figure that out later." Takeshi grumbled, clearly still annoyed.

"Ugh, just get over it. It was a little but of a joke to leave you. Plus, you're soooo good, you won't die from that!" I said mockingly.

"Oh please, fuck you." Takeshi cursed at me.

"We're here. At your left." I told Takeshi.

"Be thankful i carried you and not let you out on the streets." He said.

"Thank you~" I teased.

I opened the door with my spare keys.

"I'm home!" I yelled.


"Oh phew, they're not home." I thought out loud.

"I'll drop you on the couch, alright?" Takeshi asked.

Takeshi did what he said and placed me down on the couch to rest.

"The only reason I can use was that I felt sick so I came home myself, right?" I asked Takeshi.

"I mean, yeah sure. How can you fake sickness though?" He asked back.

"The pills." 

"Those are meant for enemies, for work, not for covering up for your family." 

"Technically it's for work because it would be bad for my work if I had to reveal it to my family, right?"

"I guess so. Although not my problem if you hate what it feels like. Trust me, it's hell with these pills." 

"My problem, I know, I know. Besides, it's just my family. Not like we get missions in the weekends." 

I grabbed the "pills" from my bag in a concealed pocket inside.

I took it and by then, Takeshi had left me with my own problem.

A hissing sound of a thrown knife was heard.

The knife landed right beside (M/N).

"This is a warning hit. Slate. Attack us once and you'll never get your little Ace back."

Don't get (M/N) wrong, he understood the rules but...

He threw the knife back, missing as the enemy was still hidden in the shadows with no clear target, he couldn't attack properly.

"No more exceptions, Slate."

I just sit there watching the television and I hear keys jingling.

"Hm? shoes? (M/N)! Are you here without your father and sister?" I heard Yor's voice echo in the short hallway. 

By then, I already felt tired and heavy.

If you need an explanation, it's for weakening the immune system, that's it.

I was about to answer but I realized my voice was too quiet to shout.

Yor peeked into the room and saw a pale me, lying on the couch, swaying my limbs at the edge.

"What happened?? You look bad." Yor asked worriedly as she rushed to my side.

"Just went home early, I was feeling a little unwell." I replied, almost whispered.

"Let me cook up hot soup for you. We have a guest today by the way." She said, then she turned around and said, "Sorry, can you keep watch for my son?" Yor asked.

I turned to what direction she was looking at and I saw a girl with brown hair and red eyes come out. Looks almost my age or younger.

The girl froze for a second.

"Hello there! Sure I can" She responded with a smile.

Yor looked relieved and walked to the kitchen.

The girl crouched down beside the couch where Yor was previously.

"You're Slate, aren't you...?" She said with a smile

A different hissing sound was heard. This time, it was the sound of gas releasing.

(M/N) looked around the warehouse as gas started to envelop the whole place.

He covered his mouth and nose with his arm to prevent passing out early in the fight.

He knew full well that it wouldn't last long but he could atleast try.

'Damn it, do I have bad luck today?? Did I step on a crack??' He thought.

He was going to head to a box but a knife was thrown in front of him.

'Gosh, how many knives do you have!?'

He couldn't talk. It would lessen his breath.

"Don't resist. Stop struggling. Do it for me as well, this isn't even an assassin's job to kidnap someone!"

(M/N) still ran while the assassin was grumbling about.

He reached the box and opened it, revealing the last gas mask.

'Is the enemy using mine!? I didn't just step on a crack, I saw a black cat!' (Alright, I'm not saying black cat's are bad luck. I love black cats!)

He still took Takeshi's gas mask and put it on.

'Judging by the experience of the assassin in kidnapping, they would be using normal paralyzing gas. I would say from my intuition I'd last about 5 minutes before I get fully numb.'


The enemy finally came out.

Fully black suit with (M/N)'s gas mask.

"Cautious much, aye?" He breathed through the mask.

"Problem?" The other talked back.

(M/N) stayed quiet.

(M/N) dashed to the assassin and they started a close combat fight.

They both grunted at each hit they took.

"And you're Heart..." I answered seriously.

Heart laughed.

"Call me Hailey out of job, It's my fake identity. How'd you know it was me?" Hailey asked.

"Intuition, plus your voice... You?"

"You know my sharp vision." Hailey replied.

 Silence filled the room.

"How are you sick? I just tried to assassinate you like, 15 minutes ago?" Hailey questioned.


"You do remember what I said earlier, right?" She said with a smirk.

"Been expecting it." 


I was confused.

"Can't kill princess' son." Hailey claimed.


"You seriously don't know?"


"It's be-"

"Kids! cover your mouths!" We hear Yor's voice shout from the kitchen.

"What was that?" I said.

Yor ran out to pick up the cup of water I drank from earlier.

She ran back in and we heard a steaming sound.

"I- I forgot she couldn't cook." I face-palmed.

We chuckled to ourselves.

I didn't forget what she was going to say but we could save it for another time.

Kick after kick, punch after punch, they didn't want to stop until either of them lose.

(M/N) was tired especially with an aching leg and a numb body.

"I'm surprised you lasted 2 minutes being exposed to that crap. You're not yet frozen on the ground!" The enemy said.

"Well, I'm stronger than you think-"

(M/N) got hit on his thigh by a strong kick, getting interrupted.

"Same... Oh, you're short... Wait... You're a kid!?" The enemy jumped back.

Under the mask, you could hear their eyes twinkling.

"Finally! A match!"

The phone rang after Yor finished just heating leftover soup from the refrigerator.

I stood up slowly and went ahead to the phone. 

"Hello?" I said with a raspy voice.

"Oh? (M/N)? Why are you there? We were looking for you everywhere." I heard Loid's voice on the other side of the phone.

"I felt sick." I said.

"Oh, that's too bad. Is Yor taking care of you?"

"Yeah, we also have a guest here."

"Oh, that's fine."

"Why'd you call?"

"I was going to tell good news. But we can wait until we get home."

(I was going to make him say something like "Take care of yourself, we were worried" but I don't think Loid's that kind of man- hahaha)

Loid later on hung up after a few small talk.

I sat back down with a sigh of relief.

'Come to think of it, I never got sick other than when I was 6. I never knew that getting sick would be this bothersome'

(Don't worry, I had to research, it is possible but almost not, to not get sick.)

Hailey walked in the room from the bathroom and Yor followed.

"Sorry for leaving you alone, (M/N). I had to lead Hailey to the bathroom."

(To help you, btw. Credits: Fuyukochii in reddit)

They finally relazed after haveing a exhausting fight with one another.

"Kid -- Kid -- Kid -- Kid. We're the same!" The assassin was pointing him and themselves back and forth.


They spent time staring at each other.

(M/N)'s legs finally gave out. And he forcefully sat down on the floor.

The enemy sat with far away but in front of him.

"I see someone shot you." The enemy said.

"I see that that you're annoying." (M/N) spoke back.


The gas slowly disappeared and Fresh air finally came in.

(M/N) took his gas mask off and exhaled. Laying down on the floor.

"Sooo You don't think i pose a threat anymore?"

"I rely on intuition on who to trust. I hear a "I'm interested in you, I won't hurt you". " He mocked, oddly specifically.

"That's mean... I will still target you!"

"Well I'll hide from you."

"Do you even care about Ace?"

"Pft, why would I care about him?"

"Well, he's up there, tied on a chair about to fall off." They pointed upwards to see Takeshi, indeed tied on a chair.

"I know, I heard. How can you even see that, that's on the corner of your eyes."

"I notice everything. But how did you hear the creaking? The ceiling's like so far away."

"I hear everything."

He heard disagreeing muffle above.

The enemy heard it too and giggled.

"I'll continue this mission next time. I want an assassin friend that's young, not old, like the thorn princess!"

"Hold on, you know them!? How old even is the thorn princess!?"

"I don't know but they look old enough for me to hate."

"Well, if you want Communications with me, I can't give you that. Instead remember that every free time of my job, I'll be coming here to try and finish my mission. You're quite difficult even when injured. The name's Heart."


"You're okay with that!?"

He heard a yell from above.

He looked up and saw Takeshi out of his bounds.

"Well, good training. Besides, I trust her. Her voice is not lying"

The girl smiled brightly.


(M/N) put his thumbs up to say okay.

Later on, they finished eatkng and Hailey had to leave.

"Farewell, He- Hailey!" Yor said, waving goodbye to the girl.

(M/N) was still inside the house, not allowed by Yor to move.

He coughed.

'Please go away sickness- I hate this. Why is it worse than most!'

"It's worsethan worse because you rarely felt sickness and your body's not used to it." A voice said.

(M/N) looked to the right to see Takeshi by the window.

"What the fuck- how are you here! We're at the 4th floor!" (M/N) exclaimed. Still unfazed at the same time.

"Thought I could startle you. Also, are you underestimating an assassin's skill?' Takeshi said with a poker face.

Takeshi jumped in the room.

"You still alone?" He asked.

"No! Now leave before my mom comes back!" As if on cue, they heard the front door open and close.

(M/N) turned to look at the hallway to the door and when he turned back to Takeshi, he was gone.

'As expected of an assassin.' He thought.

"Sorry I had to say goodbye to Hailey. How are you feeling?" Yor asked.


"I'm going inside my room if you do say you're fine. Are you sure?"

(M/N) raised his thumb.

Yor went back into her room.

A long sigh was heard.

"What's wrong?" (M/N) asked.

"Your mom's so beautiful!" Takeshi said.


Next thing you know. (M/N)'s strangling takeshi to death. (Of course in the Comic relief way)

"We're home!" Loid said as he entered the room.

He saw (M/N) staring at a way intensely where Takeshi was previously.

'Is he crazy-'


Yooooooooooo it's been a long time. I put it on hiatus because i had no idea about what would happen at chapter 6. I already made one but ended up deleting it because it strayed away from the main story. I'll post it shortly after this. I have the hardest of subjects to exam tommorow ToT

Sorry for not being active in books. I have been replying to every single comment i had.

Anyway, cya on the next chapter!

Words: 2945
