Chapter 3

New warning that will be added to warnings and info:
Mentions of murder

It was the morning in a week day, meaning school was going to start.

(M/N) and Anya was about to leave for the bus until (M/N) stopped her.

"What's wrong, (M/N)?" Loid said as he and Yor stood outside their house, waiting to wave their kids "bye".

"We can wait for my car. It would be a lot faster." (M/N) explained.

"Oh! Alright." Yor said she chuckled sheepishly.

(M/N) walked a little to the bus.

"From now on, you don't need to drive to this place. We don't need a school bus anymore. But for driving us always to school, I'll still pay." (M/N) said with a cheeky smile.

The driver just didn't care and drove away from the house.

Just as the bus was away, along came a black car driving to the front of their house.

A man came out of it.

"Hi, Richard! Good morning to you. Had a good drive?" (M/N) asked.

"Yes, (M/N)."

"Forgers, I'd like you to meet our very first and only one, butler. He does everything for us... at least... did" (M/N) hesitated to say

"That's nice. Richard? Is I assuming your name is?"

"Yes. Mr. Forger. Now then, will you give me permission to drive your daughter and son to school?" Richard asked Loid.

"A-ah! Yes, sure." Loid answered.

"Very well then." Richard said.

Richard gestured both Anya and (M/N) to come in the car.

Anya beamed.

"Am i going to be M'lady like Becky!?" Anya asked excitedly.

"If you wish, Miss Anya." Richard said.

"I want to be! I want to be!" She replied.

"Alright, come in, M'lady." Richard said as he opened their door for them.

They drove to Eden Academy.

Anya was greeted by her friend Becky as she came out of her car.

"I'm a M'lady!" Anya boasted to her friend.

"Woah!! You came here by car as well!?" Becky asked excitedly.

Anya only nodded in response.

(M/N) chuckled at the sight and then sighed.

He was still in the car, and the window rolled down.

"Bye, Anya! I'll be going to my building now!" (M/N) said as it alerted Anya, making her look back at (M/N).

"Bah! Bah!" Anya said childishly.

The window rolled back down, and Richard the butler had driven away to a building with (M/N).

"Alright, thank you, Richard. I'll be taking my leave now." (M/N) said as he stepped out of the car.

"Goodbye, (M/N). Have a wonderful day at school." Said Richard.

(M/N) nodded and shut the car door close.

He waved as Richard once again drove away.

(M/N) sighed.

"First day after the accident." (M/N) muttered.

He looked around the front field of the high school building.

He entered the building and was greeted by an embrace over his shoulders from his back.

"(N/N)!" Someone yelled out.

(M/N) knew who it was but turned around startled.

"(BFF/N)?" (Sorry if this offends you or anything, but if you don't have a bff/best friend forever, you can replace it with an oc in mind for you. I just didn't wanna make an oc. It changes the story a bit more than it actually was.)

"You're okay!" They yelled as they embraced you once more.

"I-i'm sorry..." (M/N) apologized as he put his head down.

"Why say sorry? I should say sorry for your loss instead. Are you sure you want to attend school?" (BFF/N) asked in worry.

"Act like it's a normal day to me" (BFF/N)." (M/N) hesitated to say.

"Are you really sure?"

"Mhm..." He nodded.

"A-alright..." (BFF/N) stuttered.

He let go of (M/N) as he took deep breaths.

"So, how was the weekend?" (BFF/N) asked.

"It was nice... Got to know my new family..." (M/N) answered.

"Oh my gosh, how are they, by the way?" They asked.

"Well... I have a little sister, mother, and father..."

"That's great! How's... your new sister?"
(BFF/N) asked hesitantly.

"Hm... She's in the other building. She's just a little kid, so yeah." (M/N) explained.

"Hm. Okay. Well, we better get going. We might be late to class." (BFF/N) said.

"Okay..." (M/N) said.

They both started walking to their classroom.

Classes started going on as all were the same each teacher.

Pitying (M/N).

It all came to lunchtime as they gathered in a different cafeteria than Anya.

(BFF/N) was eating, but (M/N) to had no appetite to eat.

(BFF/N) suspected that it was because of the trauma he felt in the accident, so he shrugged of worrying about him, letting him do what he wanted until he was ready.

But it was something else. There was another reason for him not eating.

After school, they got picked up by Richard and went home.

As (M/N) and Anya arrived home, they both took a bath and changed into new clothes.

(M/N) on the other hand dressed in black clothes.

"Coming back to your friend's house (M/N)?" Yor asked as she spotted (M/N).

"Mhm. He called me again and told me he wanted us to dress in black" (M/N) said.

"Okay. Safe trip!" Yor said as she waved goodbye.

(M/N) did the same and left the house.

He was walking by the side road, looking all over his surroundings.

He had a black backpack on/, if you prefer, a sling bag.

He opened his bag and checked for what was inside, and it seemed to be complete as he closed his bag.

He later on arrived at a warehouse and opened it as it creaked and echoed so loudly.

He went towards the middle.

"Hello?" His voice echoed.

All of a sudden, his feet were grabbed on what seems to be a rope.

He was then turned upside down literally.

"This is why I didn't eat. I knew you were going to do this." (M/N) said as he was swinging left and right.

He was dangling from the rope.

He heard a chuckle.

"It's just your 3rd day meeting me. How'd you know?" The voice said.

"You know, I just joined your line of work. Don't treat your new partner in crime like this." (M/N) said, crossing his arms over.

"Well? Let me down." (M/N)


(M/N) threw a knife towards him.

"Awww... Missed." (M/N) teased.

"You're the one who's treating their partner like this now." The voice said.

He stepped out of the shadows.

"If you're not letting me go, I'll do it myself."

(M/N) swung forward with much force as he could and threw the knife to the rope.

This broke it and he ended up doing a flip and landed.

"Nice trick." The man said.

"C'mon, don't just applaud! I actually broke out. Could you do that?" (M/N) asked.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"You're so annoying."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

"M'kay. Now. We have a new target."

"Hm? Who is it?"

"Zen Wilson is the name."

"Ah... ... I don't know this guy."

"Me neither, but a job is a job."


"Check his files though, he is a martial artist. He's hard to eliminate." (M/N)

"Hm... Why didn't they hire the best assasins then. Like Thorn Princess."

"Hm... I don't know."

"Well then, let's just do it."



(Sorry for the oc making!! It was the only thing I could do unless you wanted me to actually make a character an assassin with 6 technically, you are not an assassin. If it's not obvious, you can guess it. So yeah, just sorry again.)

Words: 1305

(Side note: When i published this, it had a lot of typos. I JUST fixed them.
