

school was.. school. today was the first day of tutoring. seungmin was glaring darts into changbin's head. "out of everyone... i have to tutor him!" hyunjin looked over and snickered. "maybe hes not that-" "dont you dare say it." hyunjin held his hands up in defense. "okay okay"
seungmin looked back at changbin who was already looking at him. "what?" changbin smirked and shook his head facing felix. "you noticed felix has little sparkles in his hair. gosh hes so hot!" seungmin rolled his eyes and faced hyunjin. "do you notice anything other than him?!" hyunjin flinches quite shocked. "uh.." "whatever, im meeting up with jisung before i tutor changbin." hyunjin nodded and watched him leave.
"all he talks about is felix.. they already have their numbers might as well make out" seungmin bumped into someone and looked up. of course it was felix. "talking about me?" "uh-" felix laughed. "whats your number?" he pointed to his wrist that had an 18. seungmin showed his. "im not of age yet." felix nodded. seungmin's eyes widen realizing who else had an 18. "who has it?" he shook his head and felix grabbed his arm tightly. "who is it?" seungmin looked down. "h-hyunjin" felix lets go of him and walks away. seungmin rushed to where he was meeting jisung and told him everything. he was the only one that knew about his crush.
"they're definitely gonna get together" "i know!" jisung gave him a smoothie and pat his head. "its okay, that means you still have a soulmate." "yeah yeah but what if its some creep?" jisung laugh. "don't overthink it, go go" seungmin nodded and walked to the place hes meeting changbin. "i wonder why a cafe.." he walked in and sat at a table with changbin. "hey-" "i dont need this" seungmin raised an eyebrow. "your grades are low i think you do." changbin shrugged. "fighting less and working more can help." changbin looked at seungmin then looked at the work. "whatever" seungmin sighed and help him throughout the work.
after a bit of working seungmin looked at changbin. "you're actually good at this." "thanks" seungmin checked over the paper then ordered them something. "what are you doing?" seungmin smiled. "we're getting food changbin, what does it look like?" changbin blushed with embarrassment which was a rare sight. "o-oh.. thanks" seungmin nodded. they worked until the food came then ate. once they finished seungmin offered to walk him home. "no its fine, i can walk by myself." "are you sure? it is getting late" changbin looked at seungmin then looked at the time. "i said its fine kim" "oh sorry.." seungmin walked the other way looking down and changbin just went home without a care in the world.

seungmin got home and took a shower. "i wonder whats his problem.. i just wanted to be nice." he changed then fell asleep. changbin, on the other hand, sat on the roof of his small place listening to his parents argue. again. he looks up at the sky and sighs. the whole tough boy act is a cover up. the only one who knows hes broken is felix. thats why hes so protective of changbin. he doesnt want him to break more.
