

"it was perfect!" seungmin faced hyunjin and felix who came over the next day. "minnie honey you're literally head over heels for him" seungmin stopped and raised an eyebrow while thinking. "am i..?" he laughed. "hyunjin you're crazy, im not" hyunjin looked at him with a bored face.

"what happened after eating" the two boys looked at felix who finally spoke up. seungmin's whole face went red as he spoke. "w-well we watched the sunset then..." he looked at the couple in front of him "i kissed him again." hyunjin jumped up squealing. "i ship it! i love it!" felix chuckled watching his soulmate jump up and down with pure happiness.

"how was it?" seungmin shuffled onto his feet. "i liked it... a ton" felix laughed and spoke into his phone. "you heard that binnie?" seungmin's eyes widened realizing changbin was on the phone with felix the whole time. "felix you-!" he got caught off by hyunjin "tsk tsk no threats to my love" seungmin rolled his eyes. "out. you two. i will see you at school." he lead the couple out the door and covered his face embarrassed.

seungmin got to school looking over his list for his party tomorrow. wow he already gets to know his soulmate tomorrow. "hey seungmin!" he froze hearing the voice of changbin. he remembered changbin hearing his conversation earlier. "h-hi... bye!" he began to walk off. "wait!" changin caught him by the wrist. "do you need help with the party?" seungmin's mind went blank. "uh no? yes? maybe?" changbin chuckled taking the list from seungmin. "i'll get these supplies, go hand out invites or whatever you're doing. i'll have them by the end of the day" seungmin slowly nodded and smiled. "thanks binnie" he patted his head then walked off quickly losing changbin.

changbin waited at the front entrance for seungmin. he tapped his shoulder as he walked out. "hey i got the rest of the things off the list." seungmin smiled wide. "thank you, it helped a lot. see you tomorrow" seungmin hopped into hyunjin's car quickly and tells him to go. "wait minnie-" changbin sighed watching the car drive away.
