

the next day was pretty.. awkward. felix and hyunjin were attached to the hip so if changbin sat with them he was just third wheeling. seungmin didn't bother talking to hyunjin about what happened because hyunjin is happy with felix. he didnt want to drop everything onto his happiness.

changbin watched seungmin from across the room. he sat in a corner by himself with a blank look as if he was thinking hard about something. "hey binnie do you know whats up with seungmin?" felix tapped changbin's shoulder. "uh.. no" changbin looked away from seungmin to face felix. hyunjin on the other hand walked over to his best friend and comforted him. "maybe home problems?" felix watched hyunjin and seungmin. "it's not really our business felix, lets just do our work." changbin looked at the paper in front of him and started working on it while felix looked at him confused. "uh.. okay?"

hyunjin walked back over with seungmin. "hey" changbin instantly looked up at seungmin just to see hes looking at felix. "can i borrow you for a second?" felix nodded and left with seungmin leaving changbin with many many thoughts. "do you know what they're talking about?" changbin asked hyunjin. "just about seungmin's party. you ask as if you and him have done something" changbin looked at hyunjin. "i kissed him." hyunjin chuckled. "only a kiss?" changbin nodded making hyunjin laugh like crazy. "that was his first kiss, hes gonna be a little boy about it. dont you have tutoring today?" "yeah.." changbin was semi embarrassed that he was freaking out for nothing. "he doesn't hate you, when you tutor it'll be okay." "okay.. thanks." hyunjin nodded and went to felix when he was done talking.

changbin tried his best to get seungmin's attention before their tutoring session but seungmin was too busy with school work. he was all over the school, in and out of the principal's office and classrooms. "gosh this boy has a lot going on.." changbin turned the corner bumping into the one and only seungmin knocking the papers and books out of his hands. "sorry!" seungmin chuckled and picked up the stuff while changbin helped. "its okay binnie." changbin instantly smiled. "do you need help with all of this?" seungmin nodded. "they gave me so many books for my new tutoring classes." changbin carried some books. "oh more students?" seungmin nodded placing the books onto an empty desk in an empty classroom. "yep! many people are failing and its sad." he leaned on changbin's chest which caught the boy by surprise but he didn't fight it. he wrapped his arms around seungmin. "i can always help you, minnie" "i know binnie, thank you."

changbin smiled as seungmin kissed his cheek. "im sorry for ignoring you i was getting things wrapped around my head." changbin nodded liking the affection from seungmin "its okay, lets get these books to your house." seungmin picked up the books again with the help of changbin and the two went to seungmin's place. after a bit of tutoring they talked about seungmin's upcoming party and some future school plans.
