

"again." changbin groaned. seungmin and him were doing another day of tutoring. this time seungmin upped the skills because changbin said he knew everything there was to know. "nope i'm not doing this." changbin crossed his arms and seungmin laughed softly. "pleaseeee just this last problem." seungmin pouted looking at changbin. honestly as the two have gotten closer changbin started to be nicer. changbin smiled a bit watching the boy pout then went back to his cold stare. "fine! only because i want to." "yay!"

changbin did the problem but half of it was wrong. seungmin taught him the right way. "how do you know all this." seungmin chuckled. "my parents were top of their class, my brother was the top of his. my family wants me to be the top of my class so they've gotten me so many tutors. everything is kinda easy for me." changbin watched him as he talked. he noticed seungmin didn't want to be top of their class for his own achievement, he's doing it for his family's stupid tradition.

"and why do you tutor other kids?" "whats up with all the questions?" changbin looked at the practice sheets then at seungmin. "just trying to be friendly for studying will be easier for us." seungmin smiled. "understandable. I tutor kids because it looks good on college applications and i want to help them if they truly need help." changbin nodded. "truly need help?" "some kids asked to be tutor not because their grades are low, just to get closer to either my brother or hyunjin."

"girls are weird" seungmin looked at changbin. "very." the two laughed and wrapped up studying time. "hey changbin?" "hm?" "you're so smart but your grades are bad... why?" changbin chuckled. "it's the only way my parents notice me." seungmin raised an eyebrow. "what? you can get noticed by great grades too changbin." he shrugged "they didn't seem to care for them" "how do all the fights start?" they sat in quietness for 5 minutes before changbin replied. "either they are a full douche or they talk about the people i love." seungmin nodded not wanting to intrude anymore. "got it." changbin nodded and sipped his drink.

"how come you didn't tell me about your party? we sat and talked all day yesterday." seungmin stayed quiet as if he didnt hear changbin and continued looking through the worksheets. "seungmin." he looked up at changbin who then shook his head. "forget it, you probably think i'm some weird emo creep who just likes to get in fights." "its not that-" changbin cut him off. "then what is it? why do you treat me different from everyone else? if its based on my character just know people have reasons for their actions. i have a life outside of school that i'm trying to get away from." seungmin looked down ashamed. "i'm sorry" "forget about it, i'll see you tomorrow for tutoring." changbin grabbed all his things and walked out of seungmin's house.

seungmin watched him sadly. he did grow attached to changbin in that short amount of time but he didn't want to admit it. he just wants to keep things the way they are in case something bad happens in the end.
