Wedding part 2

hey there here I have a little twist  Fitz's pov

I am super happy I was finally marrying the girl of my dreams with the chocolate eyes the gold flecks, her smile that lights up a room the love of my life. But I was equally nervous what if something went wrong? what if she has second thoughts? what if I have second thought ?. I was all what ifs the whole morning until " can I come in son " My dad asked " yeah I was just getting ready" I said fidgeting with my fingers my dad saw and put a hand on my shoulder " you don't have to be nervous I know how much you love that girl and she loves you to, theirs no reason to worry enjoy your self this is a day that can only come once " the door creaked open " yeah I remember our wedding like it was yesterday , I was magical, and I am sure that this day is going to go down in history , I mean the two strongest telepaths getting married how is anyone going to forget this special day "My mom said from the door  I thought about what my mom said she does make a good point "your right now let me get ready this is going to be the day I marry my true love..."

   now its Sophie's pov

Biana was over at my house halping me put on my dress and get ready but I wasn't paying atention to what Biana was saying I was day dreaming about today it was going to be perfect but .. what if something went wrong? what if I fall strait on my face?  what if he has second thoughts? what if I have second thought ?. I was all, what ifs the whole morning until " Sophie stop day dreaming listen to me if you don't want a face full of make up " Biana screamed but I doubted she wasn't going to let me down on the make up that easily " I just can't stop thinking that something could go wrong today but i'm also super exited I mean i'm marrying Fitz Vacker for goodnes sake the boy of my dreams with the teal eyes and his beautiful movie star worthy smile " Biana looked grossed out but happy for us " okay as much as I love Sophitz I still don't have to hear all the fluff stuff. But really don't over think it this only happens one and you have to enjoy it now let me do your make up stay still" Biana said trying to calm me down and it sorta worked so I held still in about an hour she was done she had done a  simple look with very little blush some red lip stick and she had put flowers in my hair with a very messy but really pretty braid I put on my dress and was ready (the dresses are on the chapter uggh Shopping ) 



" Linh told me she was going to get ready at her house and meet us there " Biana told me when she noticed me looking for Linh on that note  Biana got ready and we went down stairs were Edaline and Grady were crying and holding on to each other " mom dad are you okay its just my wedding day its not like i'm going to a foreign country and never coming back " I said they didn't answer but they pulled me in for a hug " promise your going to visit " Edaline asked I looked at her with a reassuring smile "mom dad their is no way I won't visit i'll visit every day I can don't worry" we hugged again but Biana said " I don't mean to interrupt but we have to get going  " we all noded and we leaped away to the chapel.

The chapel looked beautiful their were flowers every were and guest were already here me and Fitz had planned the whole thing it was going to be a wonderful day. We wen't strait to the preparation room  and Biana fixed my make up she said it had gotten ruined. I was ready this was actually happening , the music started and Biana walked down first with Keefe right by her side , Linh with Dex by her side and Marrela and Tam walked down together they all took a seat and it was the flower girl and the ring bearer to go Luna was the flower girl or should I say horse and Wynn was the ring bearer and Silveny escorted them down  Grady who was  next to me whispered "only you could have Alicorns at ur wedding" and smiled I walked up to Grady and we hooked arms I asked one thing before I walked down the aisle " what if I fall " he smiled at me " I won't let you fall " on that we walked down the aisle the second Fitz saw me his jaw fell Greyfell was his best man and was looking at me to I wasn't paying attecion and almost fell but Grady caught me " I told you I wouldn't   let you fall " he whispered.   

Oralie was the preist (blah blah blah lets get to the vows ) " Fitz Vacker you may  say your vow " Oralie announced " Sophie Elizabeth Foster soon to be Vacker I am honored and over joyed to be here with you I love you, you are my sunshine that can't be taken the second I saw you I knew I had feelings for you. I felt like I had never felt before, just to see you enter the room. I know that even with all the make up on you look beautiful on the inside as much as the outside, I am just ... so overjoyed to be able to call you my wife" he looked at me with such love I nearly heard Oralie say "Sophie Foster you may say your vow now" " well were do I start Fitzroy Avery Vacker the man I fell in love with you are just so caring and supportive I could always count on you when I needed a shoulder to cry on or when I just needed to talk to. you understand me you are my cognate and my true love since the day I laid eyes on you I am super overjoyed to be able to call you my husband"  Oralie looked so happy and Fitz was just in a really big trance " Do you Fitzroy Avery Vacker do you take Sophie Elizabeth Foster as your holy wedded wife through the highs and lows" their was no doubt in Fitz voice when he answered " I do"  he smiled " and do you Sophie Elizabeth Foster  take Fitzroy Avery Vacker as your holy wedded husband though the high and the lows " I smiled and answered " I do"  Oralie looked at both of us and smiled " well if anyone has something to say speak now or forever hold your piece" Oralie asked  the crowed she waited and I was getting nervous so I slipped into Fitz mind " do you think some one will say something " I asked I" I doubt it " Oralie waited a few seconds more and before she said something some one said " I have something to say stop talking telepathically or I'll assume your flirting" Keefe yelled to us and we looked at him with a death glare " oh shut up Keefe " we both yelled and he sat down smirking Oralie was trying to hold in the laughter but said  " with the power invested in me I now  pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" we kiss and everyone cheered, it was the best feeling I had ever had it was just me and him in the world " get a room" Keefe yelled from the crowd we glared at him but still ran out of the chapel hand in hand .

FYI This story is not over, did you like the Keefe parts?  
