The date/part 1

 Sorry if this is too mushy Sophie's Pov 

 In the Closet It was wierd at first but then Fitz sat on the floor and let me sit on his laps " then he started playing with my hair  " so what was the thing you wanted to tell me" I said " oh just that I have a mega crush on this beauty full girl" he said looking swooned " can you tell me who" I said joking " oh well she has gorgeous blond hair and the most beautiful brown eyes ever and her smile makes the room light up she is truly amazing " "ahh Fitz could that be me" I said laughing he then wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips connected and then he muffled against my lips "It will always be you only you, I love you and always will " " I love you too with all my heart" then we broke apart for the air we Kissed for what felt like an hour but was probably like 3 hole minutes until Fitz started playing with my hair and I fell asleep to the rise and fall of his chest, Fitz must have fallen asleep too because his heart beat slowed down.

 I woke up to see I was in a bed, Oh in Fitz room some one must have moved us and it was morning we must have slept in. "AHHH there so cute Edaline owes me 100 lusters " some one said " and Grady owes me 200 lusters" I felt Fitz  stirring so I went into his mind he rapped his arm around me and pulled me close " Good Morning Princess" he mentally said I cringed " okay so nicknames are not our thing" " go back to sleep " and he went back to sleep then some one said " they really are perfect for each other"  It sounded like  Biana I'm going to kill her I tried to get up but Fitz pulled me down " Good Morning Sophie" I looked up and Biana, Della, Alden, and Linh. I tried getting up but Fitz pulled me even titer "Fitz please everyone's here" I said begging he smiled " there's only one way I'll get up" he whispered I glared " Fitz we have company" " okay then" he looked at me mischievously "Oh no no Fi..." I was cut of by him strangling me surprisingly gently and tickling me I am extremely ticklish and he knows that I . couldn't stop laughing everyone heard me and turned to look what was all the noise " Stop Fitz *Laugh* Please *laugh* Stop" He wouldn't stop so I took some advice that Biana had told. I then smiled " if you won't * laugh * stop * then I'll make you stop" I tickled him but he said " I'm not ticklish" "oh really how about this" I tickled him under right under his ribs that was were Biana had told me to he wouldn't resist we fell of the bed me on top of Fitz " u guys really are perfect for each other" Biana squealed " Fitz do you surrender " " no" "then I don't" I tickled him even more he couldn't move he couldn't stop laughing if laughter could kill you his would kill him self . " Okay fine I surrender " he said pleading me to stop " u promise" " yeah " he said with puppy dog eyes " u really are cute" I whispered " Okay enough flirting I'm gonna hurl" It was Keefe of course so me and Fitz got up. " Oh yeah breakfast is ready " Della's voice rang " I'm doing u a makeover" Biana of course " ugh" "why" I begged " because I want to so come along we have much to do much to do"  " and Linh u too " She dragged me up stair and Linh walked behind us  " help me" I mouthed to everyone" This is her outfit and Makeup  nude look ( Sophie) 

 "Oooo this dress looks amazing on u Soph, Fitz will melt, And those boots are great " She practically sang like her mother." Biana stated. I blushed  

Dress and boots

 Then she did my hair It really looked amazing "wow Biana it's beautyfull" I breathed " of course  it is I did it" I smiled at her reply.  Hair 

 "U look stunning" Linh and Biana said in unison , I blushed "thanks" I said " okay now linh" Biana sang. Linh's new do 


"wow Linh you look amazing," Marrella and I said now it was Marrella's turn she really looked good 

Dress and hair, Make up is up to your imagination and shoes are white flats.

Finally, it was Biana's turn she took the longest cause of the hair do.

Finally, we were done so we headed downstairs I am starving. I tried my best not to fall but typical me such a klutz I fell as I braced for the impact I felt 2 strong arms catch me. I looked in to those beautiful teal eyes this next part is transmissions ( did I spell that right) Fitz is italic and Soph is underlined

"You look beautiful  like always"  he transmitted amazed I blushed hard  

" Thanks, you also look handsome like always "  why is he so perfect I blushed so hard I looked like a tomato he heard what I said 

" sorry I don't know why I said ....."  " no its okay I think you are really cute and perfect too"   when I thought I couldn't blush more I did  " Fitz u are amazing thank u for being there for me"  "No need  to thank me I love u with all my heart " " right back atcha I love u" we were about to kiss but of course " Okay break it up you two i'm literally gonna hurl i've had enough" It was Keefe ( who saw that coming *wait all the Sophitz shippers raise their hand) he then acted like he was vomiting and then pretend fainted me and Fitz glared daggers at him Biana , Linh and Marrela were practically doing what they always do when its about us giggling and Tam and Dex were looking at the girls in a trance Dex  was staring at Linh like she was the most beautiful girl in the world and Tam was looking at Biana the same way it was really cute " Okay Keefe  don't bother them they looked so cute" Marrela stated all the girls except me were practically jumping up and down "I'm hungry can we please go eat" I tried and it worked . Breakfast was very quiet  Fitz and I were holding hands Biana and Linh were whispering to each other and would giggle every 10 seconds Dex was looking at Linh with the same expression of before Fitz was swooned looking at me, Alden and Della were looking at our hands Keefe and Tam were glaring at each other and arm reselling Marrela was looking at Keefe's biceps and triceps the ceps and I was blushing and not trying to tug on an eyelash. After that super weird breakfast we decided to play Base quest and then T or D " I'm on Sophie's Team " Fitz practically yelled I was tugging on an eyelash and blushing hard  He looked down on me and then added " if you want to of course" Biana, Linh and Marrella were giggling and had big goofy grins on their faces um weird why was everyone acting weird, oh well I thought about it and said " How about we play boys versus girls" Fitz looked mad, no sad, disappointed? why so I went into his mind to check ( I know there's like a rule to not invade their privacy but let's just say that their Cognates in love I mean they trust each other) Fitz is italic and Sophie is underlined. 

Hey are u okay u know I only said that to avoid Biana's questions and suspicion sorry if I hurt your feels (see what I did there (Keefe's line) 

No it's okay I think I understand but I really wanted to be with you, you know and if you're not ready for a relationship then I can wait for you all always wait whatever it takes.

No Fitz I really do love you I want you I need you okay I want to be with you I really don't know why I said that I promise to be with u next time

Okay     he transmitted still a little disappointed  

It had only been about 1 minute or less so no one noticed we were having a conversation. Biana, Linh and Marrela looked confused for something " O..kay lets play then"  the 3 girls said in unison " were questing " all the girls said including me " No fair" all the boys said " ahh are u afraid to lose Biana said " cause if so fear couse ur so going down " I said we all when to find a base and I told the girls that I was going for Fitz, Biana was going for Tam, Linh was going for Dex and Marrela for Keefe  I tried looking for Fitz thoughts but couldn't find them Oh wait I hear some thing  Its Fitz bingo I ran in his direction and found him alone sitting under a tree he looked lonely but I continued with the game I snuck around the tree " gotcha " " I guess u did " " hey wants wrong" I asked " oh nothing really just thinking about how beautiful you look did I tell you you looked beautiful" I blushed " Fitz thanks now what do you want " I went and sat down next to him but he stud up and got on one knee omg omg omg omg " Sophie Foster will you be my girlfriend" he said with a rose in him hand wait how did he have a rose in his hand he must have gotten it when I wasn't looking then I realized he was waiting for an answer  then some one said "say yes already" Biana and Linh said what ,wait what were they doing here " eash okay you really, have to ruin our moment I hugged Fit and whispered Yes yes Fitz I would love  to be your girlfriend and you be my boyfriend this has been my dream since I first saw you" I said he really brought out a different part of me "I know It has always been my dream I think I even had dreamt of you before I knew you" Then we kissed for like a minute but were inturrupted by " I know u guys are my OTP but still get a room" me and Fitz glared daggers at her " lets just go inside. 

"Okay now T or D" Biana cheered why was she so excited " I'll go first Linh T or D" she grinned  " "Dare" she answered  "okay I dare u to catch Sophie falling from the roof with telekinesis oh and Fitz too" she declared  Linh looked worried so I transmitted "she picked me I can teleport if I feel like you can't catch us I'll teleport us down" she nodded. "Okay Linh you ready" " think so ready as i'll ever be" "okay on the count of three  1..2.......3....." we jumped but I held on to Fitz just incase she can't but surprisingly she caught us every one clapped "good job Linh your telekinesis is good" "well going to exellium ( did I spell that right)  does have its perks". Okay now my turn, Dex Truth or dare " she thought " Ummm Dare I guess call your parents and tell them you have a girlfriend" Dex blushed from the embarrassment but he still called  his parents they were so shocked they didn't have time to say something, Dex literally told and then directly hung up we were laughing so hard Della and Alden heard and came to see what it was I told them and they laughed too Dex couldn't speak but then he suddenly laughed and said  " Tam truth or dare" he picked dare Dex replied " go to Candleshade and mix up all of Keefe's makeup or hair supplies we all went with him Keefe was practically crying and I could nearly breath with all the laughing and Tam was wait ....grinning. At Everglen. " Linh truth or dare" " dare" (blah blah blah let's get to the point and Time skip to Biana's turn)  " Linh t or d, " Linh said dare and Biana whispered something in her ear "okay  U need to tell Dex he has to take u on a date" Linh did it Dex agreed, " Sophie T or D, "Linh said  " truth" "okay say the truth do u want Fitz to take u on a date" I blushed and whispered " yes " Fitz shined " okay then I'll take u on one" Sophie was so happy all the boys had been convinced to take a girl on a date...

 sorry I unpublished the date Part one was so I could finish it guess what I finished now moving on to Part 2  
