The First....

here it is the truth I promised Sophie's pov

truth or dare" no way I was doing a truth so I picked " dare" Biana smirked " go confess to the boy you like and then Kiss him" I was so wrong of picking truth but I still stud up and went strait to Fitz I saw his face lit up it was so cute he was so cute when happy he pointed to his temples and I understood I went into his mind Sophie is underline Fitz is italic! you know what I'm just gonna make it like a normal conversation I'm too lazy


Fitz: " Hey"

Sophie" sooI'vehadacrushonyousincelikeforever," I said blushing hard Fitz went silent < I knew I shouldn't have told him. ooh no he heard me I had forgotten he could hear me I suddenly started crying out of no were then Fitz did something I wasn't expecting he lightly wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me I found my arms wrapping around his neck. This was magic I was kissing the boy of my dreams it felt like fireworks were going off and it was incredible then we broke apart for air.

 Fitz: Soph I have also liked you since forever no not like, loved I love you Sophie 

Sophie: I love you too Fitz 

And then we kissed again but were interrupted when Alden came in "am I interrupting something " he suspiciously said,  we were so red not only had Alden interrupted but we had forgotten our friend was there " I'll leave you two it" when he left it was silent until " well Biana truth or dare" I said wanting to end the game "dare" " okay I dare you to end this game and play something else" everyone groaned but Fitz and I smirked at each other " Okay then let's play 7 minutes in heaven " Biana clarified now Fitz and  I groaned we all wrote our names on paper scraps and put them in two separate piles before Biana could grab a name I said "there aren't enough girls lets call Marella" when Marella got here, Biana drew first she got Keefe she was so happy she was literally bouncing off the walls Keefe was also really happy he had his trademark smirk on. Dex got Linh they were secretly happy, Tam drew Marella and surprisingly was happy for Tam and Marella was trying to containing her inner happiness   Finally it was my turn I drew and < I can't believe > I thought, I got........ 

Fitz, I squealed everybody looked at me they had never heard me squeal but I didn't care  I couldn't believe it the man of my dreams. I transmitted to Fitz I got u he smiled so big I could have fainted or melted "okay now I'll put a 7-minute timer every one goes to a closet and then the timer will start. 

Today is my first Day in virtual school I don't love it 
