So i'm going to do something a lot of authors do I don't know why but i'm going to do it.

1.  my hobby is reading I could spend the whole day reading 

2. I am good at abstract art 

3. my favorite book series is duh KOTLC

4. my second favorite book series is Land of Stories ( you guys really should read it here is the preview of the first book here is  the link https://thelandofstories.com/book-one-preview)

 5. I have a little sis 

6I enjoy singing and am pretty good at it 

7I am Venezuelan 

8. My teachers and parents say I am really good at writing and I like writing too.

9.  I'm 11 years old 

10. hate Dame Alina and  Love Forklenator and Biana if I had to chose  

*Spoiler don't read bellow unless you have read Legacy* 

11. I  Hate how Shannon Messenger Broke Sophitz in Legacy 

yay Okay did that now next chappie 
