You have to accept her

As sanskar come home after his busy day his mother meena waiting for him to break the most important news of his life .

Sanskar saw her seating in her room and asked from drinking water  " maa you still up ! I told you na I'll be late in night so don't stay awake for me and sleep but you na never listen to me hmm , now I'm home please now go to sleep maa " sanskar say while folding his shirt sleeves tiredly .

Meena sigh and say  " and I told you na I'll wait for you cause I have to tell you something important I think you forgot about that we talked in morning about our village "

Sanskar set trying to remember about their village the place where his father left them and after much they came here , life was tough those days but why his mother talking about that place now after so many years?
He shrugg his shoulders saying  " sorry maa I forgot about that but why suddenly you remember about village is everything okay i mean is someone from village coming here ? "

Meena takesa deep breath and reply  " it's not sudden but i wasted an year so that you can have an stable career here don't know if they forgive me or not but now I can't keep this secret within my heart "  she say all this with heavy heart and sanskar frown hearing her

Sanskar  " what secret  ? "

Meena look at him and start narrating past  " you remember how whole village beat up your father and disowned him "

Sanskar think about that day when he witnessed his father bloody state  " yeah I remembered but you told me they beat him up cause he abuse you right ! "

Meena nods in no  " sanskar he abused me often in past but he got punishment for more heinous crime he did with that small innocent girl ragini who might still get blamed by people "

Sanskar hearing the name ragini got same flashes of a little crying girl he saw in that place before coming here
" means he he r**e her 😠 I can't believe this he is such an a***ole that he took advantage of a little kid no wonder I never felt anything for him that day those people should've kill him 😡😡"

Meena  " that I wish every day that god take his life but now we are not concerned about him but ragini as she is our responsibility "

Sanskar  " yeah now that we are financially stable we should go to her house and once again apologise to her and should financially support her " .

Meena  " not just financially but you have to support her in every way just like a good husband should do "

Sanskar  shocked  " husband  !! "

Meena  " yes sanskar that day after your father got punished you and ragini got married as per the panchayat order  that time I was not able to raise two kids so I promise her parents that after you complete your studies we return there and take ragini with us as your wife and now it's time Sanskar you have to accept her your wife ragini " .

Meena revealed truth and sanskar is in shock hearing this....
