Decision Time ..

Sanskar reached his work place M.tak company where he works as software engineer. 

He is going to his floor and people of building wished him 'good morning sir' with respect . Who can say he is the same sanskar who once lived in village with not proper cloths , small hut and barely any food to eat sometimes but look at him now all grown up and confident guy nobody believe him seeing now that he is a village poor boy .

Sanskar reach his floor and prepare himself for the important presentation he have today about which he is nervous but just being nervous give nothing to him so he take a deep sigh and entere his presentation room .

After an hour meeting finished and Sanskar is shown coming out of presentation  room with happy face giving us an hint what he wanted he got it 😊

In lunch time Sanskar seen working in his cabin when a knock on his door got his attention , he look up and smile brightly seeing a girl in white shirt and grey lower standing in front of him crossing her hands in front of her chest arching her left eyebrow in questioning way to which Sanskar bite his lip slightly and say  " umm. I was about to come but this file na it's occupied me so ..." he got interrupted by the girl who hit him with other file placed on table .

Siya(the same girl )  " you always do this Sanskar first made plans and then ditched me yaar come on . "

Sanskar stand up grab her wrist pulling her towards him so that she can sit in him lap and hug her from back say " sorry na yaar but you know I'm working this hard for our one month honeymoon in France 😍 so you should not complain on me skipping  these small lunch&dinner dates . "

Siya look at him and say " Sanskar making plans for future is good thing but for it wasting your present is foolish thing as you don't what might happen tomorrow life is unpredictable sanskar you should live in today at last you don't have regrets afterwards that you missed the chance to live in the chase of future ."

Sanskar with soft but tired face  " okay okay mother merry don't start your noble word now can we eat I'm starving yaar.  "

Siya nodded smiling and they both left to have their lunch....

Other side at home reena unaware of the fact that sanskar choose his life partner decided to tell him about his childhood wife his responsibility.....

I know it's short but my mood got off today by the stupidity makers doing with mishti/teju  character in silsila on voot.  😔😔
