I'm going....

Continuing from previous part 🙂

Meena taken a back by sanskar this serious answer about his and ragini's situation . Clearly he is out of his mind she thought which is obvious as she herself go through so much pain that now she can understand exactly how ragini must be felt every time she face this world , it's seems she is seeing this marriage only from ragini's side but what you feel about all this ?
Sanskar take a sigh to clam himself down and say in slow manner  " maa I know at this very moment I appears to you as villain or complete heartless person who for his own happiness denying to accept that poor girl but trust me maa she'll felt more miserable in this marriage . The only thing to save her life ahead is to free her from this marriage and ask her what she wants to do in life " .

Meena look at sanskar  and finally nodded with him thinking in mind how she face birju and kuasum when she tell them about her son's decision 🙁😓 how they reacte to this ! And the most important thing will ragini get accepted by village after her broken marriage news ??

Next Morning:-

Meena try to call in village but it didn't connect to network , get tense by it she put phone back on table and decided to go village herself and anyways she has to face reality which can't be told on phone so she pack her clothes for four -five days , take money from travel .

She sigh and headed towards sanskar room to inform him about her leaving but she vomite and set on floor holding her head in pain . She take heavy breaths and with difficulty she knock on door , Sanskar came out of his room ready to go office but seeing his maa in this state he forget about any other thing ....

One hour later
Now meena is resting on bed and sanskar bring her new medicines prescribed by doctor for her very low blood pressure.  Meena take medicines and ORS say  " Sanskar now I'm feeling better and doctor change medicines  too now plz let me go "  but sanskar reply  " no ways maa you can't travel in this state . If you faint on station or in train then who look after you so no " . Meena understand his concern but she already took two years to inform them and she knows how village people badmouth about the girls who are married but still stay in their parents house . Meena in pleading voice say  " Sanskar plz try to understand if I didn't go and tell them clearly in infront of panchayat then maybe ragini and her parents be thrown out of village! I already delay this for waiting to you to stalled but if now I waste a week more then 😦😦"
Hearing this sanskar sigh as he knows why his mother saying this coz he reject ragini without seeing her and all the panchayat order thing making her more nervous.  So he say what he think is he should do as a responsible son  " okay fine we won't waste another week cause I go myself there to face it " .......
