Reason for her generosity..

Continuing from previous part:-

'Really you want to help her ! Can you tell me true reason of your generosity?' Malini ask as she still can't fully understand Siya's desperation for helping Sanskar's wife .

'Well i can't tell you aptly but i just say that god forbid if you ever end up in a situation like this i surely won't judge you and trying to help you just like I'm trying right now'  Siya reply which angered Malini as how can she assume that she end up like Sanskar's wife or anything like that seriously she isn't a fool like her she is capable of handling stuff on her own . She ended there conversation and walked away from Siya .

After the little heated conversation between Siya and Malini  Siya again started concentrating on her work but her mind still going towards the ways to help Ragini.,  Yes Yes she might be thinking too much about her but she couldn't help as the urge to help a assault victim raising in her so badly . When Malini asked her why she is going out of her way to help Sanskar's wife like aren't she felt anger towards them she just replied that she didn't feel any anger when in her mind she remembered the time of her childhood where she witnessed same kinda situation happened with her cousin sister .

Siya's childhood memory :-
She visited a family function with her parents and everything was so good bright and happiness is everywhere at least she thought so but soon her misconception broke when she came across her cousin sister Saloni di who got assaulted by one of the uncle came there to attend function Saloni di was only 14 when that happened through family members beat the sh*t out of that uncle and throw him out but does it really made any difference!
Because of the shame family has to undergo they didn't filed complaint against him and left him free , Siya's parents were against this mindset and tried to convince family members to take legal action against that a**hole yet all disagreed on it leaving little Siya boiling with anger as she witnessed how her di suffered all that in such young age . After that incident Saloni di never felt comfortable or better say safe anywhere and that left a big impact of her life as well ...

It's the old saying that till someone didn't conquer hardship themselves they won't sympathise with others ., similarly Siya felt more concerned towards Ragini cause she knows how it felt to endure the pain the humiliation and the injustice  served to an assault victim . Years ago she was small so she couldn't help her cousin sister in any way but now she can somehow help Ragini and first step for it is to push Sanskar towards Ragini to help her as Ragini believes him a lot so if he encourages her to take decisions for betterment of her life she'll follow it  beside she isn't a typical vamp who took a oath to destroy lives for a guy ! No not a chance it's good Sanskar decided to not chase her and take full responsibility of Ragini as for now Ragini is the one who needs his full attention and care .,  yeah it is difficult for her to immediately forget about their(Siya's and Sanskar's)  past relationship in a blink of an eye but still she try to level best that she not affect Ragini's and Sanskar life in any way and still continue a friendship with both of them ...

In evening

Sanskar come back home and Ragini welcome him with warm smile she trying her best to get used to this new life as the doubts she had in her mind about him again trying to leave her is erasing slowly now she is his wife and one thing is clear that whatever she do with her life but she fulfils her duties as wife towards him .

She give him glass of water and ask him  'how's your day went in office?'

He is surprised at first as they are used to such casual conversations but it's a good start so he reply  'nice quiet hectic but still nice... oh i have something for you'  saying he took out a keypad mobile phone and gave it to her .

She looks at him ready to refuse it but he say  'before straight away refusing it please listen you really needs a phone as it essential for emergencies i mean there are many times you require a phone to call me or maa or to call your own maa baba in village so for that you need it and a phone is not only useful for calling but you can read stuff in it and many more things so keep it' .

Hearing him there is no other way to deny it so she agreed to kept this phone with her also the mention of her easily can talk with her parents with this phone makes her happy as she remembers Sanskar ji gave same kind of phone to her parents before leaving village .

Sanskar took out some books for her which he purchased and seeing those  Ragini smile brightly indicating she loves to continue her studies and this gives relief to Sanskar too .

Later in night Ragini talked with her parents describing how city life is and how her husband and mother-in-law taking care of her excluding the part of her kidnapping as it surely increased their tension .

Seeing her happy Meena felt some peace she might not proved to be a good wife(according to her husband and some idiots) but at least she raised her son in a good way now she believes that Sanskar won't be like his father in any way it's good for everyone....

Okay so here is the new part ☺️ this story suddenly getting good response here which is great for me as my stories usually gets low response . I know it seems like there is no villain in this story as Siya too turns out to be an understanding character but wait as this story has villain too and I'm trying to depict this story as real as possible as I'm so fed up with same old male lead torturing female lead or his family tormenting female lead and stuff 🫥
So my humble request to please not left this story in middle and

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