36. Jasper

Jasper is Junko's son and Jonay's twin brother. He has his father's appearance with his same outfit but he has light brown eyes. He rides Watersky. He also uses knuckle busters powered by red striker crystals.

Jasper is a good natured wallop who just wants to redeem his species. He is caring and gentle like his sister and father. He is also considered to be Jonay's emotional support buddy. His catchphrase is "It's mashing time!"

Jasper loves Jonay very much and would do anything to protect her from harm. He is shielding his sister from Ravess, Snipe, and their nightcrawlers.

Jasper adores his father and enjoys listening to his stories of defeating Cyclonia.


Jasper is named after the gemstone.

Originally, Jasper was going to be Jonay's imaginary friend to cope with her mother's death but the idea seemed too dark for the character so I made Jasper Jonay's brother.

Jasper was going to have dark red fur and eyes but the design was too complicated so I made him look like his father.

Jasper, Forrest, Zephyr, Silas, and Cypher are the only Skyhawks who were supposedly killed (don't worry, they're still alive).

Like Forrest, Jasper met his supposed demise while running through the burning Skyhawk's Base. The boys were rescued by Harpy.

He adopted his catchphrase from his father (from The Masked Masher).
