104. Wand

Wand is a female sith cat and Heron's pet. She is slender with black fur, a white spot on her chest, and light green eyes. 

Unlike her species reputation suggests, Wand is warm and welcoming. She is also very intelligent and seems to bring good luck to Heron when she's around. She is seen to have enhanced speed, heat vision, super leap, and a yowl that can level solid objects at a short range.

Wand first appears when she finds Heron working on her skimmer. Frightened, Heron hides from the cat. She notices the feline has a rope around her neck and a game leg. Heron begins caring for the cat and names her Wand. This showed a brighter side to Wand's species as Heron becomes more optimistic every time her kitty's around.


Wand was named after her magical abilities.

Her character is loosely based off of Owlkitty.

Wand is the second Skyhawk to die and second character to be revived.

Apparently, Wand can bite and scratch through armor.
