Your pov...
I jumped as Shu randomly appeared behind me. I hit my breast against my locker door. I teared up as pain filled my chest and whimpered. "Fuuuuck." I whispered. Shu chuckled, a huge grin on his face. "Sorry." He leaned against the other lockers. "I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?" I looked up at him. "Why?" Shu smiled slightly. "I have something I want to show you. My brothers all know I'm staying with someone, but they don't know who." I thought for a second. There's no way he likes me, so nothing was going to happen, right? I nodded. "That's fine." Shu ran to his class and I went to mine. The one class I didn't have with him or Sam. Sadly in this class was also Ayato and Laito. They usually ignored me, but I guess this wasn't my lucky day. When I sat in the back of the class, they both decided to sit next to me. "Hello, little bitch." Laito smirked and put his hand on my thigh. I moved his hand off of me, but he put it right back there. I thought maybe if I ignore him he'll get bored and stop. Ayato grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. I watched as he smelled my hand and smiled. Fucking weirdo. They always creeped me out. I almost screamed when he bit down on my arm. What the hell? I panicked even more when I realized he pulled away and blood covered his lips. He licked it away. I pulled my hand away. "The hell?!" He smiled at me, showing his unusually sharp teeth. I looked at Laito and he also had sharp teeth showing when he smirked. The teacher walked in and growled. "Y/n. If the boys are harassing you, you can come sit up here." I quickly grabbed my stuff; moving quickly. I panicked throughout the lesson and when class was over, I ran to find Shu. When I found him, I was relieved. "Ready to go?" He smiled. Again, I saw sharp teeth. I nodded, but kept my distance from him for most of the walk. Half way to my house, he stopped. "Is everything alright? You seem.... distant." I looked up at him. I couldn't wrap my head around why I was so worked up about this whole situation.
"Um, Shu? Why do you and your brothers have sharp teeth?" I asked as we began to walk again. He looked at me. "Why?! Did my brother do anything" He looked horrified. I nodded. "Ayato bit my hand." He sighed. "Y/n. I've actually been thinking of a way to tell you. Have you ever read or heard about vampires in a story?" I nodded. He rubbed his shoulder. "Well, those stories aren't lying when they say they're real. I of anyone should know. I was born one." I stared at him, not believing what I was hearing. He sighed and looked at me in the eyes. "You can believe me or not, but I'd never lie to you." I thought about it. "Can you prove it?" I ask. He nodded but said it would involve some pain. I said it was fine and he asked for my arm. "Tell me if this hurts too much." He looked around to see if we were alone. He then looked at my arm. He lowered his lips to the skin and kissed it softly. I winced as he bit down hard. He pulled away and licked the spot. He kissed the small marks he left. I gasped as he looked back up at me. His eyes were glowing a brilliant blue. He groaned. "So, sweet." He licked the wound again, then backed away. My heart pounded. "Holy shit..." I mumbled. I couldn't tell if I was more curious than frightened. He smiled at me. "I know this is scary, but I won't hurt you again. I'd much rather die than see you in pain." We continued to walk and he told me about being a vamp. It was interesting. He ate normal food and lived a pretty normal life dispute what he was. I felt closer to him and as we talked I found myself less scared of him. We arrived in my driveway and Shu smiled. "So, ready to see what I want to show you?" I nodded. "Well have to drive there. Is that okay?" I nodded again. I gave him my keys and he asked if I had an extra piece of cloth. I panicked. He laughed and explained he wanted me to see it before we got there. I nodded and found a scarf in the backseat of the car. He blindfolded me with it; then lead me to passenger side of the car. We drove for thirty minutes when I started to think about all the things that could happen.
I hope I made the right choice of trusting him.
