I smiled as Jeremiah practically skipped into the house. His eyes are bright and sparkling. He was glad to be back, which was so very obvious. We all walked in and sighed happily. Everything was finally back to normal as we all sat on the couch. After watching that one episode of Spongbob where Squidward is obsessed with crabby patties for almost ten minutes, we got bored. "So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" Sam asked. Shu smiled. "I have an idea." We slowly followed Shu out to the car and we all climbed in. Jeremiah, Sam, and I lookes at each other in confusion with a small hint of excitement. He began driving and I leaned over to him trying to figure out where we're going. "What's the plan?" Shu shrugged. "You'll see, my dear." He mocked. I huffed playfully and leaned back in my seat.
We were driving for an hour. At least, it felt like it. In all honesty, I hadn't looked at the time when we left, so I couldn't make an accurate guess. Confusion filled me as we turned off the road on to a rocky bumpy path. We drove for a few more minutes and then came to a pause. Shu turned, smiling at us. "Come on." He mouthed. We all climbed out of the car and entered the cold fall air. I smiled as I saw the beautiful shades of the red and orange leaves on the trees that surrounded us for what looked like miles. Shu walked around the car and slowly took hold of my hand. Glancing back, making sure Jeremiah and Sam were ready, we walked towards the patch of trees.
We were walking for a while, no one talking. It was a comforrable silence as we all enjoyed the crunching sound of leaves under our shoes and the feeling of cool wind touching our faces softly making us flush brightly.
Eventually we came to a clearing that in the distance led to a cliff. What looked like a few feet above the start of the cliff, the sun shone brightly, illuminating the sky in glorious shades of yellow and orange, matching the leaves of the trees perfectly.
"It's amazing." Jeremiah whispered softly, afraid to ruin the moment. I nodded in agreement. Shu smiled and walked forward, realising my hand.
"Yeah. I know."
